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Posted on August 23, 2012

Rocksins has decided to revisit Download this week by posting an interview with the man behind the sticks in TRIVIUM, Nick Augusto. They spoke about a range of things including the difference between US and UK fans, touring in the UK, the Defenders Of The Faith tour and much more! Check out that interview below and a video interview that Nick did with Rhythm Magazine about drumming tips on getting to grips with blast beats. BOSH!

Rocksins: From your perspective how are the American fans different to the English fans, if one can possibly answer such a question?

There’s a pretty hardcore fan base for Trivium over here. When we come to England we can headline a lot easier than we can in the States. This is the place where Trivium has been embraced the most and the UK is the most hardcore of our fanbases. The difference…I think that there’s a lot more dedication over here. People will remember the band from way back as opposed to sometimes when we play in the States it’s not like that. I love the UK.

Rocksins: Is it something that you really noticed when you joined the band, that the first time you came to the UK you could really notice or feel the difference?

Nick: Oh definitely! This is the spot where I think we’re the biggest, and it definitely shows. I think it’s fucking awesome! Rocksins: Was your first UK run in the band the tour you did with Chimaira and Rise To Remain? Nick: Yeah back in 2010. Rocksins: I saw one of the Koko shows on that tour, awesome awesome tour. Nick: Yeah that was an unbelievable tour! Rocksins: Did the Defenders Of The Faith Tour (at the end of 2011) go well? Nick: Oh totally. Both of those tours you just mentioned pretty much every show we did was packed out. It just kinda picked back up where we left off in 2010, we came back and destroyed it again!

Rocksins: And you’ll be back in the UK again this October with Caliban and As I Lay Dying?

Nick: Yup, and Upon A Burning Body. We’ll be back, I’m not sure how many dates are on it for the UK, maybe 7 or 8 shows I think. Rocksins: Is that tour going all over mainland Europe as well? Nick: Yeah I think the whole tour is a month and a week or something like that. We’re going to be taking that tour all over.

Rocksins: On a slightly different note, how did it come about for you to join Trivium?

I’ve known Paolo the bassist…man we’ve known each other since we were like six. We went to school together and grew up together, we live in the same area and we pretty much picked up our instruments around the same time. So I’d known the guys for awhile, and when their old drummer (Travis) separated Paolo called me first and asked if I’d like to fill in. Originally I was just supposed to fill in and then it turned out I could be permanent in the band so I stuck with it. I used to actually tech for the band, I was Travis’s drum tech for awhile. Literally right after I stopped teching for them I got a call two weeks later.

Rocksins: That must be quite surreal in some ways.

Nick: Totally. When he (Paolo) called me and asked me to fill in I was “fuck yeah I’m gonna do it! Of course I’ll do it.” It’s better than working at a fuckin’ bowling alley. That’s what I was doing before I joined *laughs*.

Click here to read the full interview on Rocksins.


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