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Posted on January 24, 2012

The day is upon us! LAMB OF GOD‘s new album ‘Resolution‘ is out NOW! The album has been getting rave reviews since it has been hitting the desks of various press around the globe. We’ve collected some of those reviews and have gathered interviews and videos to highlight what an awesome album this is and you can see that praise below:

Straight For The Sun introduces the album with a monumentally heavy and slow riff that wouldn’t sound out of place of the filthiest Melvins albums. Vocalist Randy Blyth wastes no time in screaming bloody gore over the relentless grind, proving that he’s lost none of his edge or ability vocalise the sound of an overheating sandblaster.

The pace soon increases when Desolation picks up where Straight For The Sun left off and cranks the tempo up considerably. Thundering double-kick drums drive a menacing stabbing riff that soon develops into a blurred frenzy. It’s a thrilling headlong charge into finely-tuned, lowslung thrash territory and allows guitarists Mark Morton and Willie Adler to trade off perfectly.

Album closer King Me finds the band in fairly experimental mode. It’s as close as they’ve come to a prog-rock exploration, although the addition of a choir and an orchestra gives it an almost Gothic sound at times. Naturally there’s plenty of concrete slab riffing thrown in for good measure, but it’s the epic melody provided by the orchestra that is the real payoff.

Click here to read the full review on MusicOHM.

Introductory “Straight For The Sun” chugs along from a deep inhale by vocalist Randy Blythe, who soon slaughters every preconceived notion brought on by “Set To Fail”. “Desolation” shows off the Adler siblings at guitar and drum kit, mutilating your musical landscape in much hastier time. Lead single “Ghost Walking” kicks off shortly thereafter, resembling KMFDM’s “WWIII” on the outset, later replete with a metric ton of speedy riffs for your eardrums which segue into the equally devastating “Guilty”.

Our word of the day is “relentless.” Everything about Resolution is precisely this: an unfettered abuse to the head and headphones. Lamb Of God incorporates new ways to spell out old ideas (“Invictus”, “Visitation”), they teach old dogs new tricks (“The Number Six”, “Barbaraosa”), and they include a good ol’ fashioned — almost European — epic closing scene, snarkily named “King Me”.

Click here to read the full interview on Consequence Of Sound.

Throughout their career, Lamb Of God have released consistently good albums that have set the benchmark for contemporary metal. Renowned for their live shows, the band also manage to bring their uncompromising and visceral style onto studio-recorded albums. One of the most influential and hard-working bands in contemporary metal, the band deserve all the respect they get. Fans will be waiting eagerly for the release of Resolution. RM

Click here to read the full review on What Culture.

Check out Dom Lawson’s awesome Iron Sandwich review of ‘Resolution‘ below:

And you can read the track by track that Metal Hammer did over on their website by clicking here or below:

Straight For The Sun
By the sounds of the Iommi-friendly monster of a riff that opens this album up, Willie Adler has been listening to a lot of Black Sabbath recently. Slow, doomy and fucking massive. Unexpected, but not unwelcome. Here we go…

Two tracks in and we already have a potential single on our hands. Kicking off with a riff that isn’t a million miles away from ‘Redneck’, this is classic Lamb Of God – big riffs, big grooves and a big chorus begging for big crowds. So basically, big.

Ghost Walking
This starts off with a bit of a curveball thanks to a spoken-word count-in and a cheeky bit of Southern-fried acoustic strumming, before exploding into a monstrous, swaying riff and some more of those untouchable Lamb of God grooves.


Oh hey there fifth gear! This is the fastest song on the album so far, with a real face-ripper of an intro and some great hooks, with Randy Blythe in snarlingly vicious form. LOG are definitely back. We’ve missed you, boys.

Not only does this keep the pace flying, but the catchiness of the chorus has “festival crowd” written all over it. Randy’s “I am the one who’s left to take the falllllll!” line is epic and could be one of the singalong moments of the year. You heard it here first!

The Number Six
…which is the sixth track, handily. Another big, big chorus, this one’s a swaying, chug-laden juggernaut with some nifty hardcore-style backing vocals thrown into the mix. Interesting…

We can’t be sure if this handy musical interlude is named after the 1982 cowboy flick starring Willie Nelson, but given the acoustic melodies and eerie sound effects wah-wahed in, we wouldn’t be surprised. Still; it neatly cuts the album in half and gives us a breather…


…aaaand we’re back. More shout-along backing vocals mixed in with some seriously thrashy moments and a monolithically big breakdown or two. One for the circle pits if ever there was one.

Was that a “One-two-onetwoFUCKYOU!” we just heard? Either way, this is the fastest and most brutal track on the album by a mile, glancing back at the band’s Burn The Priest days while still bristling with the hooks we’ve come to know and love them for.

Slowing the tempo down a touch works nicely here, with Randy switching to cleaner (by his standards) vocals over an epic, sprawling wall of menacing riffs.

Terminally Unique
This is straightforward, groove-chundering, riff-spitting Lamb Of God at their best, with an almost galloping midsection giving it some real pace. “Your life is passing…..BYYYYYYYYYYYYY!” screams Randy, who is sounding more and more possessed and wretched as this album goes on.

To The End
There’s some real Pantera-isms to this bad boy, which is probably the most out-and-out groove metal track on the whole album. Another possible live favourite? We think so.

If not ‘Desolation’, then this could make another great leading single. Crushing riffs and great hooks, and still catchy as fuck? Suits us.

King Me
Now this is how you finish an album. A slow, brooding intro with Randy’s Southern drawl giving spoken-word lyrics a real tinge of wretchedness, before a full-on orchestra kicks in to take things stratospheric. But ‘S&M’ this ain’t; this is dark, epic, heavy fucking metal, and when the strings do pop up again for the chorus, they only add to the thunderous grandeur of the whole thing. It’s different, but it’s definitely still Lamb Of God. Now, we reckon we might just have to start again…

Click here to find more LAMB OF GOD news on Metal Hammer…

Randy and Mark from the band were recently on Ian Camfield’s Xfm Rock Show and you can listen back to the show, which features Randy and Mark discussing their 7th studio album; including


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