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Dana Dentata


Posted on December 8, 2011

RUSH bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee was interviewed by Billboard recently and he spoke about plans for a new album and how it would come together, in comparison to the band’s previous releases. He also touched upon Moving Pictures from 1981 to 2011 and there was even talk of performing another album in full one day in the future! See below for some extracts form the interview:

What moved you to perform “Moving Pictures” in its entirety on the Time Machine tour?

We thought that was the perfect time, and the perfect album to do that with. Because I guess it would be considered our quintessential album, and it was the 30th anniversary of that album being released. It also gave us the opportunity to play an 11-minute song on that album called “The Camera Eye,” which we had never really embraced as a live song.

Would you consider doing that with any other classic Rush album?

I certainly would. We really enjoyed that whole experience. We played for three hours — you can tuck a 45-minute album in there and still play lots of new things and lots of other things. If we were really out of our minds, we would attempt something like [1978’s] “Hemispheres.” If Rush has a cult following, within that cult following there’s a following for “Hemispheres” [laughs]. I’m not sure we’re up for that one, but I could see us doing “2112.”

What can we expect from the next album, “Clockwork Angels?”

The first two [single] releases from this album, “Caravan” and “Brought Up to Believe,” are a great indication of where this album’s going, although there’s much more variety than just what those two songs offer. When I look back at [2007 album] “Snakes and Arrows,” as happy as we were with that record, in retrospect I feel we kind of overdid it with overdubs. We’d like to simplify that, just in terms of making sure the guitar, bass and drum sounds are big and loud and clear, and any time we are going to add an overdub, to make sure that it definitely is adding and not subtracting.

You can read the full interview by clicking this link…and if you point your mouse in this direction, you can pick up a copy of the band’s latest release, ‘Time Machine 2011: Live In Cleveland’.


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