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Posted on December 17, 2011

frontman, Randy Blythe, has put together his Top 10 Albums of 2011 for us and we have listed his selections, including hilarious descriptions for each, below. Enjoy!

Mastodon- The Hunter

Brent Hinds is probably the most ridiculous dude I know. One time in Barcelona, Spain I went out drinking with him. There was a rugby team in the bar getting all fucked up and Spanish rowdy, which is fucking ROWDY. It looked really bad when I saw Brent at the bar yelling at one of the rugby dudes. I thought we were going to get our asses stomped. It turned out he was a Mastodon fan and started buying shots. WTF? PAPA, WHY? í¢ä‰åŒÂ

Weedeater- Jason the Dragon

The night before I got married my wife made me leave the beach house we had rented for the wedding (proper wedding etiquette and all that). She told me if I showed up drunk the next day she would walk right off the beach. Then she suggested that I stay with Dixie Dave Collins of all people. His neighbor had a soda machine filled with beer, 25 cents a piece. I woke up in a hammock in his back yard and some sort of redneck hat on. It was a great wedding. The bag piper was WASTED. Dave was our dj. í¢ä‰åŒÂ

MonstrO- MonstrO

Once we were in Germany at some festival and me and Kyle Sanders and his brother Darren went to look at some giant fuck off Hitler monument type thing. The Sanders are good Jews, so they pissed on it while I drank beer and cracked jokes with Tim from Blood Simple. German cocaine is shit, by the way. í¢ä‰åŒÂ

Pusha T- Fear of God 2: Let Us Pray

One time in Norway we played a festival that Clipse were on. The town it was in had AMAZING women. I almost walked into a fjord staring at some Nordic ass. Mark Morton and I went to the Clipse after- party. Mark walked up to them and showed ’em his VA driver’s license. I still keep up with Malice. He’s laying low these days, working on his spiritual life. Great dude. My old neighbor was a gangsta-ass coke dealer though- have you ever seen half a million dollars cash in a shoe box in the ghetto? It’s quite a sight. Quite a sight indeed.

Amebix- Sonic Mass

One time I let this crusty punk dude named Agent I had squatted with in California stay in my basement apartment for a few weeks. He gave me a really cool pair of jeans that had a killer Amebix patch on it, the “Monolith” album cover art. He left after a few weeks. Then suddenly I had scabies. I gave ’em to my girl and my buddy Tyler. We had to use this lotion to get rid of them that turned your nut sack to leather. This was right before Christmas. FUCKIN’ A, leather nut for Christmas. Thanks for nothing Agent, you ASSHOLE. í¢ä‰åŒÂ

Hank Williams III- Gutter Town

I was on tour with my other band Halo of Locusts and we had a gig in Nashville. Hank III came out and we stayed at his crib for the night. He made us the most killer white trash casserole I have ever had, and I’ve been in more than one trailer park. The catfish was great too. I spent hours in his bathroom looking at all the notes from famous people he has stapled to the wall. The last thing I remember was doing burn outs in his camaro as the sun came up. It was a great night. í¢ä‰åŒÂ

Sourvein- Black Fangs

Two years ago me and Troy Medlin were at Best Friend’s Day watching Torche play. It was time to go so I got in my hooptie-ass Crown Vic and pulled out of the parking lot. I discovered I had no breaks AT ALL. I rolled to a stop and got out and was wondering about calling a tow truck when Troy walked up all fucked up and covered in beer. I told him about the no breaks and he said “Fuck it! I’ll take that ride!” We rode all the way back to my house through rush hour traffic in downtown Richmond with Troy yelling out the window at all the businessmen “GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY! WE AIN’T GOT NO GODDAMNED BREAKS, YOU ASSHOLES!” We never even stopped at red lights- we couldn’t. Next year Negative Approach played Best Friends Day and blew all the younger bands off the fucking stage. í¢ä‰åŒÂ

Black Breath- Heavy Breathing

Parts of 2010 were pretty crappy for me, so somehow I missed this record coming out. I didn’t get it until two weeks ago, so I count it as one of 2011’s best. The other night I was driving home and CRANKING this record. I stopped at a stoplight and suddenly WHAM- something slammed into my passenger side door. Scared the shit outta me. I look over and it’s this pretty hot blond kinda punk chick with her face smashed up against the window humping my truck in time to track 4, THE BEST TRACK, “I Am Beyond”, all acting like she was getting fucked. Then she ran away. Damn shorty, what the fuck?!?!?

Maybach Music Group- Self Made Vol. 1

Jamey Jasta played a show this year when he released his solo record, “Jasta” (another of the best of 2011, but I’m on it so I can’t list it without looking like an asshole- oops, I just did. Fuck it, I KILLED IT on my track. I’m a FUCKING BOSS, son. I get BEAST, ya heard me?). Anyway before the show we all went to a high end steak house to eat like ballers. The fucking show was awesome, but I felt like I was sweating cow through my pores after three minutes on stage. Then we went to a strip club. “That Way” came on while a hot-ass pin-eyed tattooed girl with a glow in the dark clit stud was on stage working that thing. It was time to jet so I threw 100 bills in the air and we bounced. Pissed off the thug looking’ wanna be playas up in there trying to floss with weak-ass sprinkles of one’s. Make it rain, not drizzle, when you go to the club. If your gonna come, come correct. The dancer probably spent it on heroin. Mammas, don’t let your babies grow up to be strippers. í¢ä‰åŒÂ

Lamb of God- Resolution

It doesn’t even come out til 2012 but I can’t lie: it’s already one of 2011’s best. It’s that good, hahaha. Time travel, son. Say it with me: TIME TRAVEL. See ya in the future, motherfuckers. í¢ä‰åŒÂ

Pre-order your copy of LAMB OF GOD‘s Resolution before the 20th of December and get a bonus live CD. That’s a whole four days left to get your orders in to get the live CD! Click here to pre-order Resolution.


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