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Unto Others


Posted on August 16, 2011

Corey Beaulieu of Florida metallers, TRIVIUM, recently met up with Away-Team whilst the band were on tour with the Mayhem Festival and the interview is now online. You can see some extracts from that interview below:

Away-Team.com: Your musical style has changed over the years — you are no longer thought of as metalcore, which I never pegged you as, but more straight-forward thrash. Was that a conscious decision on your part, or was it just maturing and stretching as musicians?

Corey Beaulieu: We just play every record as we just play whatever we feel like playing. It’s all very natural for us, we don’t go, “Oh let’s do this record this way, and then we’ll do the next record sounding like that.” We just start writing the songs and in that moment and time it just takes its own shape and sound. The style just dictates itself we don’t consciously decide, “Oh, on ‘The Crusade’ we’re going to do this.” Musically, it just came out naturally. We always find new influences to incorporate into the new album; we don’t want to keep churning out the same shit every album, so we’re always pushing the boundaries of what we can do with our songwriting. This last album [“In Waves”], we decided we needed to define our sound. Because the last couple of albums we were experimenting with different tunings, different sounds, and different styles of songs and just seeing what we could do. On this record, we just knew what the record had to be and we just wanted to write a record that was a career-defining moment. Just put our foot down, like we’re fucking serious here, this is a serious fucking metal album, and just solidify our sound. So you’re like, “Oh, that’s TRIVIUM! That’s their sound, that’s what they are all about.” The other thing we wanted was to make the album sound cohesive, we wanted the songs to flow, to have the same style and sound, so that none of the songs were like an odd man out and didn’t fit the record, they all have the same…. vibe or sound or feel to them, that they belonged on that record. We just wrote a lot of songs and made sure that the songs worked well and fit with the other songs on the record. And we also made the heaviest record we have ever done. The heavy stuff is heavier and more intense than anything else we’ve ever done.

Away-Team: On a festival like this, the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, you play about 35 minutes, what do you do the other 23.5 hours of the day to keep from being bored out of your mind or trapped on the bus?

Corey Beaulieu:
We try to catch a lot of the bands on the side stages, just hang out and watch them perform. We try and do a lot of press, and there are a lot of people on this tour, so it’s always a lot of just hanging out with other bands. There’s always something going on. After our set, we shower, dinner, and then go watch Megadeth. There’s always something going on, a party here and there, enough people to make something happen all the time.

Read the full interview from Away-Team.com AT THIS LOCATION.

Mayhem Festival have been posting some awesome video updates from the tour and below is the update from Day 23 in Oklahoma City. Mayhem interviewed Matt and Poalo as well as filming some of the set – there’s even a sneaky appearance by label mate, Dave Ellefson from MEGADETH! You can watch that update below:


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