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Posted on January 27, 2011

Guitarist chatted with TIMES OF GRACE’S Adam Dutkiewicz when he was in London last year to promote their debut album The Hymn Of A Broken Man and the end result was a great insight into the way the record came together and what the music means to the writers.

This time I wrote music for me. It’s almost a selfish thing to say that but there were never any intensions to release this to begin with and take over the world with it.” he tells them, as he talks about the hard times during which the music “just kept coming“.

Finding the writing a cathartic experience and talking about the sense of hope that arises from the record, Adam continues, “One thing I’ve always believed in, is that if you’re handed a bad situation you can either sit there and mull over it or you can try and fix things as best you can and try to move on. That’s the positive way to move forward in any circumstance.”

Guitarist also discuss with Adam in great detail about the fact that he took up all the playing duties on the record, “I feel like a jack of all trades, master of none.” he states, “I‘m not a bassist, drummer, guitarist or singer specifically – I like everything about music. That’s why I started producing records, it made sense for me to approach it to just make music…I see myself more as somebody who likes to create music – not specifically a guitarist, drummer, singer or bass player. I try to do the best I can with all those things – hack my way through it!”

The full transcription of the interview can be found now over at THIS LOCATION. Check it out now for more on the above and also a detailed guitar chat too!

The Hymn Of A Broken Man is in stores now. Pick it up online at Play.com and iTunes.


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