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Unto Others


Posted on August 11, 2009

Yesterday marked the start of the second week of tracking on the new KIDS IN GLASS HOUSES album. We chatted to vocalist Aled yesterday morning and the positive vibes were really flowing. They guys are feeling great about the new tracks and really are excited to get everything down and start mixing.

Aled followed up our chat with another update for you guys to fill you in on their goings on since checking in on Friday, which you can read below.

Don’t forget you can check in with the guys every night at 8pm UK time as they stream live from the studio, and if you read the update below, you will learn the guys are planning a nice lil treat for you all. (CLICK HERE to view the stream.)

But enough from us, over to Aled…

Captains blog. Stardate something or another.

We’ve just this minute finished bass. Shay did the whole thing in record time and did it in nothing but a wifebeater. It sounds rugged and masculine and everything we’ve never been. Sweet.

In all seriousness, listening back to the tracks today, as they slowly come together, piece by piece, I realised that I’m more proud of this record than anything we’ve ever done. It’s been a total uphill battle getting to this point, but it’s been rewarding and we’re better off for having spent more time and sweat on it.

Baywatch drums. I’ll say no more.

(dramatic pause)

OK, so there was a 15 hour gap between me writing that load of garb, and this current typing frenzy. Rather than lie, I’ll confirm that I am a little bit drunk at this point. It’s El Paso midnight. A special kind of midnight. A midnight born from the loins of a vintage tequila and a french vodka. Since I last typed, we’ve started tracking guitars.

Over the weekend, you’ll notice an absence of information. A slight and deliberate blackhole. Careful consideration confirms that there is no cool or correct way to admit that you pistol whipped yourself. I just have to go with it. If you’re going to fire the world’s most powerful handgun, make sure you don’t have the world’s most underwhelming arms. I did not heed this particular piece of advice and paid the ultimate price. My intention was to shoot a tv, but instead I decided to introduce the guns ass to my face . 50 caliber smith & wesson 1 – Aled 0.

Minor misdemeanour aside, I’ve had a blast here and I can’t quite believe how quickly time’s getting away from us. We have another 3 days of tracking before we head home to record vocals. Then we tour. Then we do reading. Then we’re onto the new single. We don’t know for definite what it is yet, but we recorded something today that got us very excited, so let’s wait and see.

I feel like I’ve skipped a bunch of events, but I’m sure they’ll come back to me in spurts over the next few updates.

We tried to arrange a poll on ustream but our internet ineptitude prevented us. We promised we’d do an acoustic song on there. Therefore, I suggest you all shout out a song name in our comments section (ONE SONG, NOT ALL THE SONGS EVER). Whichever song is requested the most, we’ll perform for a lol. I havent sung in a while, so it could be good for lovers and haters, alike.

In the meantime, I should probably sleep.

Sweet dreams, x

If you missed Aled’s previous updates you can check them out at the links below:


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