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Type O’s Kenny Welcomes a New Addition

Posted on February 12, 2008

On August 22nd, Type O Negative guitarist Kenny Hickey – along with his wife Bonnie & five year old daughter Megan – welcomed a new addition to their family, newborn daughter/sister Aliya Corrine Hickey. Aliya, welcome to the world. Kenny, Bonnie & Megan, congratulations.

Dam! What’s Up With The Dirty Americans?

Posted on February 12, 2008

Some things have been brewing in the Dirty Americans camp! Dirty Americans are set to begin recording on August 26th at Ardent Studios (ZZ Top, Led Zeppelin) in Memphis, TN with producer Paul Ebersold (3 Doors Down). Track listing thus far includes “Burn You Down” and “Strange Generation”. Dirty Americans hope to have a full length album out by Summer 2003. In other news…for those fortunate (?) enough to live in Michigan, two Dirty Americans headlining dates have been announced for the month of September: September 7 The Blind Pig (734) 996-8555 206-208 First Street Ann Arbor, MI 48103 With Special Guests: Inside Five Minutes, and Inner Receipe Friday, September 13 Rubble’s (517) 772-1132 112 W. Michigan Mt. Pleasant, MI With Special Guest: Broadzilla Today, we bring you music from the Dirty Americans, the demos submitted. ‘Dirty’ demos, if you will…give a listen, you’ll hear. From “the kings of dirty rock,” we present you “Burn You Down”. Shake it down in the music section…more Dirty American demos to come… Whilst you are at it, make sure to check out their official website, which is now up and running – www.DirtyAmericans.com. For each album a band does, the biography is rewritten. With that in mind, we’ve just posted up a new band biography. If you live in the US, make sure to check them out live. Remaining upcoming dates are as follows: Tuesday, May 21 St. Andrews Hall 431 E. Congress Detroit, MI with Monster Magnet Saturday, May 25 Leopold Brothers 523 S. Main St. Ann Arbor, MI Wsg: Krescent 4 Remember The Workhorse Movement? Not got their album ‘Sons Of The Pioneers’ yet? Now’s your chance – the album has been re-released on mid-price! We are pleased to inform you that The Dirty Americans will be releasing their debut album through Roadrunner. At the moment, the band are still in the writing stage and no release date has been set. Then WHM A&R Rep and now D-Am A&R Rep Monte Conner tells “The Dirty Americans have all the things you loved about The Workhorse Movement, but with a whole new dimension and flavor. They are the kings of dirty rock.” To see the live photos from the band’s debut Detroit show on August 11 last year all you need to do is check out the gallery! Other new songs written so far are: Super Free Trip to the Moon Gold Nuclear Bomb The Clone Wars Strange Places Sungod Burn you Down Explode Do I need to ask you if you want to see the lyrics to brand new Dirty Americans song ‘Super Free’? I guess not… SUPER FREE Don’t know if I’m stoned or superfree We don’t know karate man, we know crazy We always hit the road and freak it out Fleeing from our homes to the wild is what we’re all about I’ve seen mountains that have made me whole The desert sun makes me one I just keep letting go Thrill seekers riding hard to keep it cool We don’t need the bullshit the transmissions getting through THE RIDE IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT TIME AIN’T EVEN RUNNING OUT!!! I know I can’t stop screaming from a mountain top I’ll take my friends Any chance I can And now I’m standing tall free riding all day long I’ll take my friends Any chance I can I’m stoned…and I’m super free We don’t need you baby cuz what we need we get for free You mutha fuckers think you got me now Nine to five ain’t gonna drag my life down Did you know that The Dirty Americans, used to be signed to Roadrunner as The Workhorse Movement? “WORKHORSE is gone but the MOVEMENT lives on in Myron, Freedom and Pete along with a new drummer Jeramiah Pilbeam together as THE DIRTY AMERICANS!! More rock less rap than Workhorse, same amount of strange…” – and that comes straight from Myron’s mouth! An update straight from Myron – We have about 12- 13 new songs finished for the record, more are in various stages, we’re doing a cover of detroit rock gods the MC5 (“Call Me Animal”) it’s a great tune and fits very with the rest of the material we’ver written on this album, check it out on napster if you don’t know it. Our first gig is June 8, 2001 in Mt. Pleasant Michigan, USA at the same club (Rubbles) where Workhorse started. With Cornbread gone, a lot of the rap vibe is gone, so we’re concentrating on rocking out in strange new ways. The Dirty American’s material is similar, Freedom and I wrote almost everything for Sons Of The Pioneers so there is a familiar sound in the new material because we are still deeply involved in the writing process. We’re concentrating more on the songs that have a stranger rock vibe like “Heavy”, “Joe Mama”, “Beotch” etc. The new drummer (Jeremiah Pilbeam) totally has the John Bonham thing going on which fits perfectly with Freedom’s guitar playing!! Workhorse made a video for single ‘Keep The Sabbath Dream Alive’ shot in Detroit. The ‘Sons Of The Pioneers’ CD by the Workhorse Movement is still available at around 퉌£11.99 in stores.

New Type O Tracks In

Posted on February 12, 2008

The new album looks set to be released in early 2003. No specific date is confirmed as yet. Amongst the new songs for their forthcoming album, are “Nettie”, “I Like Girls”, “Valentine’s Day”, “I Need Love”, “Anesthesia”, “Why Won’t You Love Me”, “Above All Things”, and “Life Is Killing Me”. The album will be produced by Josh Silver, who also produced ‘World Coming Down’. Late last week, Roadrunner A&R received a cd of nine new Type O Negative tracks – demos the band has been working on, completely furnished with vocals (previous demos were all instrumental). Don’t expect to hear anything anytime soon, as A&R is keeping the cd close to their vest – i.e. for their ears only.

Type O’s Johnny’s Journal

Posted on February 12, 2008

Our friends at www.megakungfu.com have got the low down from Johnny Kelly. Check out their site and read the feature below. It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything so I’ll try to update you as to what has been going on around here. The writing for the next record began sometime in January of this year. At that point we were rehearsing ideas a few nights a week. Most of the songs that Peter writes are written during rehearsals. Most of the time, he’ll bring down pieces of songs that he came up with while at home and brings it to the band the next night. Usually these ideas are rough melodies & riffs. During rehearsals, the song begins to take some kind of shape. Very seldom, does a song need little work. A song is in a constant state of change from the time it’s written to the time it’s printed on tape. We kept going to rehearsals up until April. Josh has a 16 track studio in his house that the band uses for making the demos of new songs that have been written. During the rehearsals my daughter Sophia was born. A month after Sophia was born Josh’s wife gave birth to their daughter also. In between diaper changes, feedings & sleepless nights, the band continued to rehearse and write. The rehearsals wound up producing I think, 10 – 12 songs. It was sometime around April when Josh got his studio together in his house and we started working there. The demo recording process is also a time consuming venture. Demos for Type O are just as involved as making the actual record at Systems II. A lot of time and effort go into our demos. What takes us so long to do demos is that we experiment with the songs until we feel that it’s the best the song is going to get. Let me clear something up before we go further though. I am not trying to boast or anything like that. I am not a big fan of recording. I enjoy live performance a lot more than recording. I’m trying to say that there is much more work in recording the demos than it is to record the actual record. By the time the demos are finished, we pretty much know how the songs are supposed to sound and it’s just a matter of trying to recreate what we did at Josh’s house. We have a great relationship with Systems II. They are considered family. Peter & Josh have been using Systems II since they were teenagers. The band has never used any other recording studio. Among all of the other excuses that I can use to explain why the demos are not finished is that our manager worked out an opportunity for us last spring. It was to record a version of the wrestler “Kane” from the World Wrestling Federation theme song titled “Into the Fire” for a new cd for the WWF. I don’t by whom or how it was decided that we were going to do his song but, I found it humoring that we were chosen. He looks like he could be in the band. This took a little time out of recording the demos. I remember after the track was completed, we were surprised at how the song turned out. Most Type O Negative fans are used to the way we do covers of songs. They usually don’t sound like the original versions. We always took the approach of “how would the song sound if it was one of ours?” This song is no different. I am told that the CD is going to be released in October but, things like that change constantly. I still have no idea who else is doing songs on the CD but I do remember that they were all much more popular than Type O Negative. Steve our webmaster knows more about the CD than we do. I think that he has something written about it on our website. Here we are in the middle of September already & the demos are not completed yet. We are making progress though. A few songs are completed. We’re expecting to have them completed shortly but after talking to Peter the other night, he mentioned that he has written two more songs. He always does this to us. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. He usually comes up with stronger songs around this time in the recording process. I guess he doesn’t feel pressure to write & they just come out of him. Usually when this happens, the song is demoed quickly & more attention is focused when we’re at Systems II. Both records that I have done with the band, he has done & the results were always good. So, I am anxious to hear them. I’m sure that everyone reading this is now familiar with what has happened here in NYC on September 11. The World Trade Center was attacked & destroyed by terrorists. It has been very hard to concentrate on anything since this has happened. My heart goes out to all the families of the people that are missing and were killed. I’m trying to take my mind off of the subject by writing tonight. It is so mind blowing to watch TV and not see those buildings. After being on tour for months, it was always great to see the skyline when coming into NY. I’ve always been in awe of the Twin Towers. I spent most of the following day watching the news with Kenny and our families. I’m still in shock! The city will come back from this and eventually things will get back to normal. The past few days have been spent watching the news and I haven’t spent too much time doing much else. I did get some e-mails reminding me that work has to get done. This journal is one of those things. The other is preparing for the upcoming dates that the band has booked to celebrate Halloween. It’s become some sort of tradition that we play a few shows around that time of year regardless of what our schedule is. As soon as July was starting to end, the e-mails started to come in asking if we were going to be touring around Halloween this year. I wasn’t certain if we were going to do it this year. Why would this year be different than any other? We hadn’t discussed anything about touring as of yet but, I knew the subject would be coming up soon. Because we’re busy with the new record, this run of dates is pretty short. We’re doing ten shows in eleven days. I’m looking forward to performing. We haven’t played live since New Years Eve. It’ll be fun to get out there for a few days. Speaking of tradition, when it was decided that we were going to do some dates, the Trocadero in Philadelphia was one of the first clubs to book the band. This will be the fifth year in a row that we’ll be playing there on Halloween. It’s usually a pretty wild night for all involved. The crowd seems to have an extra edge to them on that night. Philadelphia has really seemed to embrace us. It’s pretty cool! The band is pretty much divided when it comes to touring. Kenny and I enjoy it while Peter and Josh don’t. But this trip isn’t that bad at all. It’s a very short run and most of the shows are kind of close to home. It’s a nice way to get reacquainted with the road since we’ve been home for a long time now. It would be a whole lot worse for them if this trip was three months long. We’ll be doing that soon enough. With the dates coming there are things that have to be done besides playing drums. There’s lots of coordinating that has to be done now so that the trip will run smoothly and efficiently. All of the dates have been confirmed and most of the crew has been assembled already. There are lots of business details that have to be done now even before we begin rehearsals. It’s not the most Rock N Roll thing to do but it has to get done. But I honestly feel that you’re not too interested in reading about that stuff. It’s getting late and I still have a bunch of things to take care of before I go to bed. I’ll try to stay on top of my journal now that that there will be a few things to write about. Take care. Johnny

What’s Up In Deicide’s World

Posted on February 12, 2008

Not got their album ‘Insineratehymn’ yet? Now’s your chance – the album is out on mid-price so you can get it cheap! Glen Benton is promising the heaviest and sickest record of all time. Deicide’s latest release, titled In Torment In Hell, is out now. The CD retails for around 퉌£12.99 from the following stores: HMV, Virgin, MVC, and all good indies. Here’s what Kerrang! had to say about it… Kerrang! Review KKKK “JESUS CHRIST is going to prepare a place for me,” says Christian activist Bob Larsen, as he chats over the phone to Deicide frontman Glen Benton. “Great,” says Benton. “Where he is, I’m going to be there someday” says Larson “Beautiful” says Benton. “So where are you going to?” asks Larson. “IN TORMENT, IN HELL!!!” growls Benton, and Deicide’s sixth studio album kicks in with the kind of riff that makes pop fans cower behind their sofas, quivering like hypothermia victims with pants full of shit. Benton is back, and this time his band are on f**king fire. Maybe the fact that this is Deicide’s last album for Roadrunner has inspired Benton to produce something uniquely unpleasant a final, foul blast of choking musical mustard gas, left as a final “f**k you”. On The other hand, it might just be that the band have been given a prod by the likes of Nile and Cryptopsy bands who have taken death metal by the scruff of it’s neck and given it a violent shake. Either way, this is a stunning return to the kind of form Deicide have struggled to replicate since their classic debut back in 1990. And in many ways, nothing much has changed since the days when death metal first blew away the cobwebs. Lyrically, in particular, this is familiar ground and no self-respecting Deicide fan would have it any other way. ‘Burning Christians, begging pleas satisfy my need to bleed’ roars Benton during the brutality of the title-track. And yes, we’ve heard it all before, but not with this degree of conviction for a good few years. Furthermore, you can hardly accuse Deicide of watering down their beliefs. The enemy, as ever, is organised religion – Christianity in particular – and even though the band have been guilty of repeating themselves in the past, ‘In Torment In Hell’ is no exercise in treading water. Treading the blood of violently murdered Christians, maybe, but not water. No-one is going to faint with surprise at this album. It’s a Deicide album, for starters, and so anything other than ripping death metal mayhem with lung-wrenching, guttural vocals would feel like an outright stitch-up. But the fact is that this is the band’s second best album to date, with songs like ‘Let It Be Done’ and the awesome ‘Immanent Doom’ sounding very nearly as good as old classics like ‘Dead By Dawn Ross Robinson wanted to produce Emperor because, as he said “black metal is the only true punk rock out there”, and he was almost right. In fact, death metal is the only form of rock music to remain dangerous and entirely unsullied by commercial considerations, and Deicide – despite their marketable fa퀌_ade of scowling nastiness – remain one of the genre’s classiest and most uncompromising acts. Here’s an album for all those tough-looking hardcore bands who thank Jesus on their album sleeves. F**k them, f**k Jesus and three evil cheers for Deicide. There’s a party going on in Hell, and we’re all invited. Beautiful. In a five day fire drill which took place at Morrisound Studios in Tampa Bay, Florida earlier, Deicide recorded and mixed 8 blistering tracks of the heaviest and sickest death metal you will ever hear. The intro features excerpts from a conversation between Christian activist Bob Larsen and Glen Benton. Produced by Deicide, Mixed by Deicide and Jim Morris, Engineered by Jim Morris, Recorded, Mixed and Mastered at Morrisound Recording, Tampa, FL 1. In Torment In Hell click here to download an MP3 2. Christ Don’t Care 3. Vengeance Will Be Mine 4. Imminent Doom 5. Child Of God 6. Let It Be Done 7. Worry In The House Of Thieves 8. Lurking Among Us Read on below for another Glen Benton Q & A installment, as brought to us by HeavyMetal.de (Germany). Yes, Glen is pulling out all the stops for the promotion of Deicide’s upcoming In Torment In Hell release. Warning, if you are easily offended, read no further…and perhaps the questions just fed fuel for the answers… – Who are the guys in the band – different characters? Glen Benton – Glen, Eric, Brian, Steve – Your favorite bands / musicians? Glen Benton – Guy Lombardo, Floyd Kramer, Laurence Welk – What kinda music do u really hate? Glen Benton – Wigger Rap – Which records would u take to a lonely isle here u only have a cd player? Glen Benton – Piss on you – What else would u need? Glen Benton – My Ho – Funniest tour experience? Glen Benton – Shittin’ across Europe – Worst or most embarassing situations? Glen Benton – Getting caught shittin’ across Europe – Best concert u have ever seen? Glen Benton – Elvis live in Hawaii – Nicest holiday? Glen Benton – The eve of the hallow – Happy about… Glen Benton – Nothing – Disappointed about… – This interview – Where did u grow up? Glen Benton – In a house – Favorite food? Glen Benton – Shit sandwiches – Can u cook? Glen Benton – Yes I have a fart steamin’ in the pot right now – Your idols, influences? Glen Benton – No idol worship here. – How was school? Glen Benton – Misery – Still have normal jobs? Glen Benton – No – Most important things in life? Glen Benton – My Ho, My Kid’s, And Killer weed… – Would u be a good polititian? Glen Benton – Sure – Any bad habits? Glen Benton – Yea – Do u believe in god? Glen Benton – No – In what else do u believe? Glen Benton – Me – Last statement? Glen Benton – KILL GOD Satisfy your need for Deicide eye candy by checking out Christian Death, Deicide’s official website for live photos from their recent show at JAXX Nightclub during the International Extreme Music Festival on May 25, 2001. Also, you will find lyrics there from all 8 tracks off their imminent release… Glen Benton took some time to answer a few questions for the Hungarian publication Shock Magazine. For your knowledge, here are a few of the questions and answers: – What is the meaning of the title “In Torment In Hell”? What is the main topic of the album? Glen Benton – Torment – The symbol on the front cover of the Insineratehymn album was quite simple. What will be on the new album cover? Glen Benton – A big set of pig balls – What is more important for you in Deicide: the music or the ideology? And what is more important of these two for the fans? Glen Benton – What I believe is my choice, and so is it for the fan, the choice is yours….I aint your mother….. – What did Deicide mean to you in the beginning and what does it mean to you now? What are the things your opinion has changed of and what are those things you still see the same way you did in the times of your first album? Glen Benton – That is too big a question for you to be asking, Suffering,Sweet,Suffering – I can’t evade the question of Christianity and Satanism in connection with you. I think that many of your fans “know” only the extreme, animal-killer Glen Benton. But what is the real Glen Benton like? Glen Benton – I’m a quick shitter, my ass smells bad most of the time, one ball hangs lower than the other, and I love big natural tits. – Where do you place the different religions in your world concept? Do you disagree with religions generally or do you only disapprove of misleading people by the means of religion? Glen Benton – I dislike organized religion. – What do you think of the powers of Nature? Do you believe in other dimensions? Glen Benton – I’m in one right now. – The Insineratehymn album was very strong musically, even though it was slower than your music used to be. Previously you promised this new stuff to be the heaviest and sickest album of all times. What is the meaning of this? Glen Benton – My lungs think otherwise DEICIDE also had four of their previous albums re-released on mid-price (retail 퉌£8.99) last year. They are: ‘Deicide’ ‘Once Upon The Cross’ ‘Serpents Of The Light’ ‘When Satan Lives (Live)’

The Latest from the CC Camp

Posted on February 12, 2008

Coal Chamber is officially back home after their most recent headline run of the United States. What next? Possibly another US tour announcement – nothing certain just yet, but keep checking back. In other Coal Chamber news, apparently their website has decided to take a break now that the band is off the road…actually, something has gone stray with the server for www.CoalChamber.com. We are aware, the band is aware, and all is being taken of…We’ll let you know when it is back up and running. What’s the latest word from Coal Chamber camp? Check out Inverse-Music.com – they had a chance to catch up with vocalist Dez Fafara before the band’s show at The Masquerade in Florida this past weekend. Direct link to the interview is HERE. Record Release Ramblings: Today we bring you a few words from RR US dude Marc Schapiro who was at the free US show Coal Chamber put on to celebrate the release of Dark Days! A good time was had, indeed…. “I wanted to give you all a quick recap on the Coal Chamber show at the Key Club on May 7th. I will be back in the office tomorrow with pictures and video so everyone can see what an amazing show they put on. Walking down Sunset this week, you would think that Coal Chamber was the ONLY record coming out this week. Artboard outside Tower…huge billboard outside the Whiskey…street team flyers everyhere…radio spots on KROQ…full page ad in the New Times. Monday around 8pm, kids starting lining up at Tower Records for the midnight sale. By the time the clock struck 12am, there were 150 kids lined up ready to buy the record (or a couple of copies.) Not only had these kids been waiting forever for this record, I don’t think they had showered since Chamber Music came out. The store was psyched because they were getting calls every minute for the past week. The next morning, I drove by Tower at 8:45am and there were another 50 kids that skipped school to get the record. At the end of the day, 400 kids had purchased the record to see the show that night. Fast forward to 9pm…all the industry contacts are getting liquored up thanks to drink tickets from the New Times…the Lakers are losing (good)…and then Dino of Fear Factory takes the stage to introduce the band. The crowd goes nuts as the band goes through over an hour of new and old favorites. Everyone seemed to know the words to all the new songs as well as the old. Unlike NYC, most of the industry was actually watching the show. We had great contacts from the trades, UMVD, radio, retail, press and more there to witness one of the best Coal Chamber shows I have seen.” Thanks for the line Marc, makes us jealous why doncha. Did You Know? A bit of trivia for you here today, about how Coal Chamber drummer Mike Cox garnered the nickname ‘Bug’…and from the mouth of Mike Cox, it goes like this: “Bug… I used to live with Rayna, and she would sometimes sleep for 5 days at a time. I would keep waking her up, as I would be bored, and she would keep saying ‘quit bugging me’. And then, she just started calling me ‘bug’. Once Rayna has something, she doesn’t stop, and the more it bugged me, the more she kept with it. ” Did You Know? Pt II On Coal Chamber’s debut release, the credits originally read Mike Cox, until Rayna blew a call into A&R Rep Monte Conner, telling him it should read Mike ‘Bug’ Cox. Last night (7th) the band played their record release show, a hometown gig at the Key Club in LA. Yes, this means that Dark Days is FINALLY in stores now… and that the band is together once again playing like a fuckin’ machine. Did You Know? before last night’s show, longtime friend Dino Cazares (formerly of Fear Factory) hit the stage to announce the band. Dark Days are here… the new Coal Chamber album ‘Dark Days’ is OUT NOW. The album is available as a limited edition black jewel case CD (including 3 bonus tracks) as well as the normal CD. You can save 퉌£2 at HMV with your free Download 2002 discount card you can order here. The album is ‘album of the month’ in both Metal Hammer and Rocksound! It will be available from HMV (퉌£2 off with Download Discount Card & FREE Coal Chamber patch while stocks last), Virgin, V Shop, Our Price/Sanity, MVC, Andys, and a whole range of indies (FREE CC poster while stocks last).

Coal Chamber Dark Days Tracks Confirmed

Posted on February 12, 2008

Without further ado, the tracklisting is: Fiend Glow Watershed Something Told Me Dark Days Alienate Me One Step Friend Row Boat Drove Empty Jar Beckoned Anxiety* Save Yourself* One Step (Scott Humphrey Mix)* * = limited edition black jewel case CD

The Coal Chamber Update

Posted on February 12, 2008

Ever wonder what a press release looks like? Here is the most recent one from our files… Los Angeles, CA – Coal Chamber have been tearing it up across the USA on the Jagermeister Music tour for the past 6 weeks, proving to fans that the intensity of their live show is as intense as the music on their albums. í¢ä‰åñGet out of my rowboat!í¢ä‰åŒ a line from Coal Chamber’s Dark Days (out now), took on new meaning for the members of the band last week in Lubbock, TX. That night in Lubbock, TX on the Jagermeister Music Tour, a couple members of the band Coal Chamber had an on-stage scuffle that lead to the early departure of frontman Dez Fafara from the stage, forcing the remaining members to finish the rest of the set without a lead vocalist. The incident, which was fueled throughout the day due to several confrontations within the band, came to a head mid-way through Coal Chamber’s set. í¢ä‰åñDez and I are like brothers and sometimes we can get out of control, but in the end our love for the music and the band brings us back together,í¢ä‰åŒ comments Miguel. Coal Chamber was forced to cancel the remaining three dates on the Jagermeister tour as well as a few headline dates. í¢ä‰åñThis is just a minor set back for the band.í¢ä‰åŒ offers lead singer Dez. í¢ä‰åñWe plan to pick things back up on May 7th at the Key Club by playing a show for our fans, then we are off to NY to appear on Carson Daly’s show. We fight, we playí¢ä‰åŒ_that’s what we do.í¢ä‰åŒ The band will continue on despite this incident. Several US radio shows are scheduled for the month of May and a US headline summer trek is in the planning. If you are in the USA, be sure to tune your TV to Carson Daly’s Last Call on May 15th to catch the band’s first ever television appearance. So we mentioned another e-card right? Twas no lie… check out the very cool spooky e-card for new song “Fiend”! Not only do you get a cool Coal Chamber animation, and to hear the new song, there’s also the band’s new biography, photographs, lyrics, and even AOL IM buddy icons – absolutely free! Want more? Download yourself a free MP3 of new track Glow with a monster groove and a great hook. Still want more? See what happens when the crew moves into Anywhere USA – you’d wish it was your town: for your viewing pleasure, we present the almighty Fiend video. You can also request the Fiend video on Kerrang! TV – sel # 144. The previous weekend (13/14th April) Kerrang! magazine went to the city that never sleeps (Las Vegas) to write a feature on the band – expect to see the results in the mag around the end of April! Dark Days are coming: check out a very cool e-card at http://www.roadrun.com/darkdays. To celebrate the coming of their new album, Coal Chamber have completely redone their official website and the relaunch is NOW! Thanks going out to Frank Diaz (www.realityengine.net), Thredz (yes, the man behind the almighty Anyone & Chimaira sites too) and the team at Sensor Studios for some great design work. Check it out at: www.coalchamber.com. You can hear new Coal Chamber on cover mount CDs with the following magazines: Rock Sound (17/4) and Metal Hammer (22/5). March 4 was the filming day of Coal Chamber’s upcoming video, “Fiend”. The video, co-produced by vocalist Dez and Paul Brown, was shot at Universal Studios in California. interesting fact 1: fans who were asked to show up for the video shot were told to enter Universal Studios entrance off of Barham. The code word for security to let the fans in was “I’m with Mr. Pink and Coal Chamber.” It’s true. Word is that the video went smoothly. “Smoother than most video shoots that I have been in,” tells our very own Maria. translation – It must have been extremely smooth, because nobody ever talks about how ‘smooth’ a video shoot went From what we can tell you, there were two basic scenes to the video: 1 – fans moshing outside of a garage to the song “Fiend”. The band jamming in the garage would be Coal Chamber. Rock. interesting fact 2: the garage the fans were moshing outside of was none other than the garage of the Munster’s, from the tv show The Munster’s. 1313 Mockingbird Lane. It’s true. The other main scene of the video was a replication of the annual Day Of The Dead festival in Mexico on Halloween. Coal Chamber performing on a stage. The fans in front. Yes, several of you whom attended the shoot, will be in the final video. Thank you. Today Coal Chamber is packing and preparing for the upcoming US Jagermeister Tour, which will also feature the likes of Ill Nino and Drowning Pool. So you wanna hear new Coal Chamber? A new CC track is included on the forthcoming Resident Evil soundtrack, out now. Check out the Resident Evil trailer page where you can hear a stream of new song ‘Something Told Me’. A couple days ago, somewhere out in California, Meegs, Mikey, and Nadja loaded into a rehearsal space. Yes, Coal Chamber rehearsals for their upcoming spot on the Jagermeister Music Tour have commenced… Vocalist Dez is scheduled to join the rehearsals this upcoming Friday (Feb 15). However, as Dez tells, “I’m looking forward to it so much, I may go down a day early just to get tattooed in the room while they’re playing.” Coal Chamber is scheduled to spend the next three weeks in rehearsals before making the drive down to Orlando, FL for opening night of the Jager Music Tour, which also features Drowning Pool and Ill Nino. “Oh Yeah,” emphasizes Dez in regards to the upcoming trip. The Jager Music Tour starts March 8th and runs until the end of April. Yesterday, on the Anyone news page, we wrote how Anyone’s vocalist/guitarist Riz Story was en route with Metal Hammer personnel over to Coal Chamber’s frontman’s house, Dez Fafara. Riz is currently leading a double life doing a series of Through The Keyhole type pieces for upcoming issues of Hammer magazine – and sure enough Dez is one of them! All true. So, what happened? First, apparently Riz and the boys from Metal Hammer had a bit of car trouble, showing up at Dez’s pad 2 hours later than expected. No worries though, as Dez tells, “we had a great time”. So, what exactly was this in home feature all about? Riz was accompanied by a journalist who was taking notes whilst Riz and Dez spoke, and a photographer who was taking pictures of everything at Dez’s place – his artwork (both paintings and sculptures), Anahstasia’s artwork, pics of the backyard, bedroom – everything. What exactly did Dez and Riz speak about? Dez tells “Everything. From music to literature. I found out he’s a fan of Ghandi, he found out I’m a fan of Machiavelli.” Though we are not sure when this “Through The Keyhole With Riz Story” feature at Dez’s house will appear in Metal Hammer, it should be within the next couple months. We’ll be sure to keep you posted. In closing, Dez tells “It’s a true at home – t shirts, no make up, kicking back at home with the Fafara’s.” What did Riz have to say about hanging out with the Fafara’s? “Yesterday I went up to spend the eve with Dez of COAL CHAMBER. He’s got lots of beautiful art in his place that him and his girl create in there cozy crib. His girl is very artistic, beautiful inside and out, and they are a stony couple indeed. I wish them the best and hope to hang again soon, fate willing.” Riz’s next assignment had him hightailing it over to the almighty Osbourne’s pad to hang with Sharon and OZZY. You can read about that on the Anyone news page. Coal Chamber recently did a photoshoot, somewhere in LA… The shoot took place with Paul Brown at the helm, whom has to his credit Marilyn Manson shoots, Machine Head shoots (and actually did the artwork for the Supercharger release too), Motley Crue “The Dirt” artwork, among much, much more. You can check out these new photos right here in tthe gallery.

Coal Chamber – Rayna Departs

Posted on February 12, 2008

RAYNA DEPARTS BAND TO BE FULL-TIME MUM COAL CHAMBER FORGE ON WITH RELEASE OF NEW ALBUM, DARK DAYS AND AS FEATURED ARTISTS ON JAGERMEISTER SPRING TOUR – Rayna Foss-Rose has decided to leave Coal Chamber to dedicate her time to her daughter, Kayla (fathered by Morgan Rose of Sevendust). Rayna has been with the band since its inception in 1994. She left the band briefly in 1999 to give birth and quickly rejoined the band on the road in early, 2000. She completed working with the band on their 3rd recording effort, DARK DAYS just this past winter. Her departure was a difficult decision to make as she states, “I’ve decided to leave Coal Chamber so that I can raise our daughter, Kayla, full time. This was a hard decision to make, but is one that Morgan and I feel is important to our lives and our family. I wish nothing but the best for the band, and will always love and cherish the time we had together”. Dez and the band wish her the best as evidenced in the following statement, “Rayna has given us the best years of her life. We appreciate all of her hard work and effort and we wish her and her family the best. We as a band support this decision. Family comes first. We will miss her greatly”. Nadja Puelen has been announced as the touring bass player for Coal Chamber. Nadja is no stranger to touring with Coal Chamber, she filled in for Rayna when Rayna gave birth to Kayla back in 1999. Currently the band is putting the finishing touches on their highly anticipated third album, DARK DAYS, to be released in spring 2002. The band will jump right back on the road as featured artists on the upcoming Jagermeister spring music tour in the US, which will kick off on March 8th. The band’s set will consist of songs from both their two previous albums as well as songs from the new album.

Coal Chamber’s Meegs Interviewed By You

Posted on February 12, 2008

Meegs took some time to answer the questions you have been sending in. We do recommend reading them thoroughly, his answers are detailed, truthful, and very genuine. Thanks to Meegs for the answers, thanks to you for the questions. 1 – Has Meegs gone back to a heavier guitar tone for “dark days” or has he continued to experiment with tone and volume, like on “chamber music”? Also, can’t wait to hear the new record, no matter what direction you guys have taken! -Jason G Meegs – thanks for the enthusiasm and support Jason!!! as for the tone of the album, it will be a combination of both records. It will definitely be very heavy, I mean HEAVY. the experimentation and craziness in the sonic dept. is just plain sick!!! I spent a lot of time on this album to record all the noises and tones that I hear in my head all the time. the guitar chug is very bottom heavy and the abuse of effect pedals and technology is very prominent. the vibe of the record is very angry and chaotic. I promise that it will be insanity of the highest level!!! 2 – Hey! I have two questions. The first is actually for Meegs: Will you marry me? Okay, but in all seriousness now, I saw you guys perform in Syracuse, NY at the Lost Horizon on June 15, 2000–I think Meegs actually got hurt 🙁 , but I just wanted to know if you’re going to play any smaller, or at least small town, venues in upstate New York anytime soon, because I cannot wait to see you guys again and it seems that when bands come to New York they only go to NYC or Buffalo! 🙁 Don’t forget the upstate fans in between! Love ya always, June D Meegs – June, my love, that is a very sweet thing to say!!! Believe me , you don’t want to marry me, I ain’t no walk in the park!!! As of touring smaller venues, that will be a very good possibility when we tour beginning of the new year. We must finish “Dark Days” first and then tour plans will be talked about amongst the band and management. In the meanwhile, a little patience doesn’t kill anybody, we promise it will be worth the wait!!!!!! Love you back, MEEGS 3 – what is the most memorable concert you have played and why? piece…………..not peace -Xplicitlyryx Meegs – I think the most memorable one was in France. The crowd was so fucking insane that it actually made me tear up while we were playing. and that never happens to me!!! It was about 5 000 kids jumping up and down in unison. It was a beautiful sight! 4 – I have always considered Coal Chamber as an innovative and unique metal band. Many spin-offs have spawned since your first album that are reflective of your style. Before the ever expanding labeled genre of “Nu-metal” was a house hold name, Coal Chamber was shaking and changing the music scene. Where do you see the future of Coal Chamber with Dark Days? Will it be a intentional progressive change from what we have seen in the past or, will it be more of a continuation from your previous material? -Brandon J Meegs – thanks for the compliments Brandon, you’re too kind!!!! This album will be both a continuation and a progressive change of our previous stuff. It will continue to be as heavy, if not heavier, than our first record. But it will be a big onslaught of sonic mayhem and experimentation that we started on the 2nd album, except 100 times more brutal and angry as fuck!! Dez’s vocals are plain scary!! the guitars are super thick and the bass and drums feel like a steamroller!!! the sounds on this record are very intense, for sure!!! the songwriting is very , very , intense because the band as a whole was going through a very difficult time in our lives. and it shows in the material. the tension, frustrations, disappointment, and anger are definitely prevalent on the disc!! 5 – what is your favorite song on the new album and why? -Marlon S Meegs – my favorite as of now is probably “Drove”. It is one fucking heavy ass song!!! It starts out chaotic and ends that way. the guitar textures and noises are very quirky and experimental. It’s a very “coal chamber” type of groove. the tones, vocals, and production are beyond subsonic. Couldn’t be more proud. 6 – Q:Coal Chamber reflects various amounts of strong messages and feelings on each of their records, and i was just wondering: What did the band try to project on this new record and how it is influenced by the lives you choose to live by today? -ILIARYS Meegs – the overall tone and theme of this album is very dark and angry. It definitely reflected on these 2 past years of the bands career. Very turbulent. We’ve all pulled through though, and wrote the most heaviest and intense material we’ve ever done!! This album was a very cathartic and psychotherapeutic experience for the whole band. As we wrote this material from our hearts, this record definitely reflects what we were feeling at the time. Kind of like “the Shining” meets “Halloween” 7 – Hey, I first must say that Coal Chamber is a true to themselves band. And the music, it speaks for itself as meegs has said. I was wondering, since you guys have had a longer break, two albums under your wings, and numbers of good shows, has that changed your writing styles? Thanks for your time to answer my question. -Josh from california Meegs – our writing style has become unchanged. Just because we always write what we honestly feel and we never try to write a “Hit”. We always try to write catchy, Heavy, simple and brutal grooves. I like to call them “caveman” grooves. 8 – if “coal chamber ” is a heavy metal cd, and “chamber music” is considered gothic sounding, what exactly would you classify dark days as being? -Scott S Meegs – Dark Days would probably be considered New age easy listening with a touch of N’ Sync and 98 degrees flavorings!!!! with a hint of disco. Honestly, i hate categories. Music is music. whether you think it sucks or not is a matter of opinion. Call us “spookycore”. 9 – what kind of guitar does meegs play? Meegs – I play both B.C Rich guitars and Yamaha customs. I love and endorse both companies. Basically , my guitars are made to benefit the Drop 6 tuning that I have abused to death. and will continue to do so in the future. 10 – What are the extremities as far as emotional feelings on the new album? -Elliot Meegs – there’s a tension on this record that is unsettling. A lot of lashing out at people kind of emotions. Anger, frustrations. A very dark and heavy record. Not a suicidal type of vibe, but more of a unleashing of a lot of internal and outside demons. 11 – on dark days, what song best describes what you’ve felt in the making of your 3rd Lp? -Ashley Meegs – It would probably be “Drove” the chorus lyric ” Why did I do it, you drove me to do it” breakdown buildup lyric “NEVER, SAY NEVER!!!!!” 12 – hello coal chamber, how is the dark days album going to sound? is meegs still using his custom bc rich. and how did he come up with his 20 – 70 gauge guitar strings set his guitar. he is the only one i heard of that does that. i think that is awesome. -Moe Meegs – thank you very much Moe!!! I still use my B.C riches and I also use Yamaha Customs which utilize a lighter gauge strings, but still thick as fuck!!! the sound of “Dark Days” is brutal, experimental, and catchy. Chaotic sums it up. 13 – Hey Guys, I have been a fan since my friend from Cali sent me your demo tape about 5 years ago, i believe. Since I heard it you were automatically my favorite band. You have helped me through a lot, well your music and the way you treat your fans and what you say in your interviews. You have literally saved my life cause I put in your cd instead of killing myself 3 times. Going to your concerts makes me so happy, I have cried each time I’ve went cause I was so happy to be close to you. I consider myself a devout fan. I own every poster I can find, including imports, same with cd’s and t-shirts. I also tell everyone I meet about you and how much I love your music. I know you have a fairly large fanbase and I know there are many other fans out there like me. What is your reaction to the way the fans respond to you and your music???? I love you!!! Keep making wonderful music! Love, Jenny M Meegs – Jenny, you are the reason we write music. We can’t thank you enough for the support and love you give us. We’re so grateful and we appreciate our fans so much because they’ve helped us realize our dreams come true. We truly love and sincerely cherish the way fans react to us. Without you guys, we’re nothing!!! If our music helps kids out with their problems, then we feel very ecstatic because we worship our fans and the way they treat us. Thank you guys a million, once again!!! 14 – first of all, Come the fuck back to tulsa (redneckville). You guys are one of my favorite bands of all times. I bought the first cd without even hearing you guys, and was totally blown away. I bought Chamber Music, and I was just fucking shocked on how much you guys grew, it kicked some fuckin ass, its still in my cd player to this day. And in rotation everyday. Just wanted to know what are some of your favorite bands? And who did you listen to growing up? Peace John Meegs – Hey, thanks for the support and positivity!!! I’m sure that we will tour through Tulsa very soon!!! Patience!! Some of my favorite bands right now are Britney Spears, N sync, Linkin Park, Alec Empire, Radiohead, the Backstreet Boys, Aphex Twin, Prodigy, Mudvayne, Slipknot, John Tesh. When i was younger, i was obsessed with Motley Crue “Shout At The Devil”, Alice in Chains, Skid Row, Bon Jovi, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Michael Jackson. I was a typical metal head. 15 – what are your favorite movies? -sickness87 Meegs – My favorite movies are of the XXX rated selection. Any Jenna Jameson movie would suffice.


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