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Primative Tracklisting

Posted on February 12, 2008

PRIMITIVE is out now! Full tracklisting is as follows: Back To The Primitive Pain – with Chino Moreno (Deftones) + Grady Avenell (Will Haven) Bring It Terrorist – with Tom Araya (Slayer) Mulambo Son Song – with Sean Lennon Boom Jumpdafuckup – with Corey Taylor (Slipknot) Soulfly II Prophet Flyhigh In Memory Of…

The Lowdown On Glassjaw

Posted on February 12, 2008

The Glassjaw camp have released an mp3 of one of the songs they have been recording, “Bartender”. Glassjaw’s upcoming release, titled Worship And Tribute, is currently due out in the UK on Warners sometime later this year, though you may find it on import from the US in some stores already. Due to ill health, the band have recently postponed their UK shows but hope to reschedule them in the near future. Some new song titles for ya… “Cosmopolitan Bloodloss”, “Midwestern Stylings”, “Tip Your Bartender” and “Must Have Run All Day”. Glassjaw has re-released their independent debut titled Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (what came before their amazing Roadrunner debut Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence). The band is currently selling it online HERE. Have yet to hear it myself, however with it carrying the name ‘GLASSJAW’, surely it must be good shit. So, tell us about the new songs? “Typical Glassjaw bullshit. Strung out acoustic jam-relaxed- codeine songs to total all-out war! There’s a lot of us finding ourselves going on. On the last record there was a lot of influence from Todd and my last band, Sons of Abraham. The material we’re writing now is very, very much Glassjaw – whatever that means. “We met with Ross Robinson last week while he was in town mastering Slipknot. It was great to see him. We’re looking forward to getting more chairs thrown at us in the studio this time!” Want to see the video for Siberian Kiss? Click here. This video was culled from a series of shows around the New York/New Jersey area on Glassjaw’s Fall tour with power metal leviathans, Shadows Fall. It was done on less than a shoestring by the band’s pal, Steve Pedulla: geetartist with NJ weepy-core heroes, Thursday. It shows you what fifty bucks, a couple of falaffel sandwiches and a whole buncha gumption will get you. While cleaning out the Roadrunner Vaults recently, we discovered a few paragraphs from Daryl Palumbo’s diary about Glassjaw’s tour with the Deftones last year. We also found a stash of tour photos taken by the band and crew themselves – unedited. Being nosy types, we decided to post them up so you could all read them… Did you catch the band supporting Soulfly in the UK in Nottingham, Glasgow, and London? Have a look at our TOUR PHOTO SPECIAL!! The band also took time out to host an instore signing session at Tower Records in Piccadilly, London signing everything from guitar plaster casts to giant pairs of underwear (clean we hope)! The photographic evidence is up in the gallery. Glassjaw are a band that comes out of the New York underground comprised of old vets and fresh faces making a sound that’s brutally direct yet soaringly melodic. Produced by Ross Robinson, Glassjaw’s Roadrunner/IAM debut touches upon the extremities of beauty and horror…tied directly into the psyche of 20 year old frontman Daryl Palumbo. Think brutality of the Deftones or the Bad Brains, the lushness of Radiohead and the lyrical introspection of vintage Elvis Costello. The Glassjaw debut album ‘Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence’ is available now in all good record shops for 퉌£11.99. If you want to check out Glassjaw’s site, have a look at www.glassjaw.com

New Album and Interview with Rob

Posted on February 12, 2008

Spineshank is elbow deep in getting together their third release.How go things? Words from drummer Tommy Decker are as follows: What’s up everybody!! I know its been an EXTREMELY long time since we posted on the status of the new album, and I would like to apologize for keeping you all in the dark. We are ready and eager to record. We have over 20 songs and I think they’re the best we’ve ever written. I don’t want to let too many titles leak cuz we always end up changing them last minute. We’ve brought some new elements to the Spineshank sound but its not a very far departure from The Height Of Callousness. I think the songs are written better and there’s more variety from one song to the next. We will probably be planning a small tour right after we’re done recording, just to “knock all the rust off” and try a few new songs live. (its been WAY too long since we’ve played!!!) After that we will probably do some shows outside of the U.S. (too early to be sure of where and when yet) and then hit the states for a “real” tour. As far as the record goes, we’re still unsure as to how many songs will be on it, somewhere between 12 and 14 though. We still have a few titles that we’re considering. I wish I could tell you more but all these little details seem to fall into place at the last minute in the studio (in the wonderfully backward world of s.s). My main reason for posting is too let you all know that we will be recording and getting this record out as soon as we can. I hope you all understand why it took so long. We wanted to put out a record that we can be proud of, and that YOU can be proud of. You guys have stuck with us and waited for a long time and the least we can do is give you a record worth the wait. Well I’m out, (got more songs to write) talk to you all soon. Tommy p.s. keep posting on the message board we read it almost everyday. July 12th, time enough to catch a few words online with Rob. RR: Hey, how’s life in the land of the ‘Shank? Rob: Hey! What’s up… everything is going cool. How ’bout yourself? RR: Pretty good, just got back from holiday in Australia myself. Rob: Very cool.. good to hear. Damn I need a vacation. RR: So you guys are working non-stop? Where would you go? Rob: Yup. I don’t know.. maybe the desert. I love hot weather, can’t get enough of it. It’s gonna be about 80 today, only thing I don’t like is it’s been really humid, but I can deal with it! RR: Nicer than here ya know. In the studio every day? You must be sick of the sight of eachother by now! How much longer you got left? Rob: Yeah, except for weekends. Writing wise hopefully not too much longer. Actually everybody is still in one piece and getting along – that’s definitely a good thing… no-one has torn another person apart! RR: How many songs you done now? Rob: We have about 7 definitely done, the others aren’t finished yet. RR: You think fans of Height Of Callousness will dig the new album? Rob: Fuck yeah, they better! I’m sure they will. RR: Hey, check out the individual biogs we did when you have a minute – you remember doing this a while back? Rob: Oh yeah, I saw that already – came out cool! RR: Checking up on me and what I write about ya eh? Rob: Yup (laughs). We were laughing about how everybody’s fav tour story had to do with being drunk! I wonder why. (laughs harder) RR: Speaking of drinks… been a while since you were here with Dry Kill Logic. That tour was fun huh?! Rob: Right on! Can’t wait to get back there.. it was the first time I didn’t get a brutal cold when we were there… last time I actually had fun! RR: Poison of choice? Rob: Beer… Budweiser. RR: Cool. So what are you up to this weekend on your 2 days off? Rob: Drinking. That’s about it. Drinking, the story of my life (laughs).

F.P.O – Did You Know?

Posted on February 12, 2008

Five Pointe O Did you know? Yes, it’s random birthday fact time. Did you know that Casey (keyboards) and Eric (guitar) have the same birthday but a year apart? Both born on September 6th – Casey in 1975, Eric in 1974. Did you know that besides having the same birthday, Casey and Eric are related? They are cousins. All true. Something even more random? Sean (bass) was born 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days before Tony (drums). Sean’s birthday: May 26, 1980 Tony’s birthday: July 28, 1982. Which brings us to Sharon (guitar) and Daniel (vocals). Rivalling Casey & Eric, did you know that Daniel was born almost exactly a year after Sharon? There’s only 5 days in it. August 15 (Daniel) vs. August 20 (Sharon). And Sharon has the same birthday as yours truly. We shit you not. With timing like that, we bet their live set is t-i-g-h-t. “Unbelievable”…”Insane”…”Biggest in-store ever at Crows Nest”…just a few words heard during Five Pointe O’s in-store appearance/performance at the Crows Nest in Crest Hill, Illinois this past Friday (June 7). Roadrunner US sales regional Scott tells that over 1,000 people came out to meet and welcome back the band from their past few months on the road with Mushroomhead (see, this is what you would call a hometown appearance for the band). “If you’ve ever seen the Minor Threat home video of their live show at the 9:30 Club, then you’ll have an idea of what the crowd was like at this show,” explains Scot. After signing goods and what not for a couple hours, Five Pointe O took the stage (actually, out back in the car park) at 8:15pm, just as the sun was going down. Scott tells, “it made for an amazing backdrop to a set that was the tightest, most out of control, rocking effort I’ve ever seen them give…all you could see was bodies, sweat, and more bodies.” Five Pointe O, welcome home. Now don’t get too comfortable, ya hear…your upcoming summer US tour run with Coal Chamber starts July 5th.

Latest Album News

Posted on February 12, 2008

So June 10th has come and gone. What’s the latest on the new album? We’ll let Jonny Santos tell you himself… “We are still all very hard at work right now just trying to finish writing this record. It looks as if we might be taking about another 3 or 4 weeks before we start actually tracking. The delay came about due to the band feeling that some songs were just not strong enough to make the record and Spineshank will not put out a half assed record because the fans deserve better. Although the delay might disappoint some people, Iassure you it will be worth the wait. The album will be entitled “Violent Mood Swings” and that is exactly what it is. We are hoping to be able to tour the UK shortly after release and are looking forward to seeing our fans after such a long time. Until then take care and keep f*ckin kickin ass!!” -Jonny

Five Pointe O ‘Untitled’ Out Now

Posted on February 12, 2008

Available on CD only for around 퉌£11.99 from Virgin, HMV, Virgin (퉌£2 off wth ‘Download 2002’ discount card free with Metal Hammer, and this site here), MVC, Tower, & all good indies. We’ve got an amazing record on our hands and we’re in a giving mood. So click HERE and introduce yourself to FIVE POINTE 0. You’ll find the entire album in instant track by track streaming audio, pics, tour dates, links, wallpapers, etc. The tracklisting is: DOUBLE X MINUS KING OF THE HILL ART OF COPE PURITY 01 FREEDOM SYMPATHETIC CLIMATE CONTROL UNTITLED SYNDROME DOWN BREATHE MACHINE THE INFINITY ASPIRE/INSPIRE

An Interview With Sean, Five Pointe O

Posted on February 12, 2008

As it just so happens, Five Pointe O is playing their debut New York City show this evening (8th), at Irving Plaza, no less. Also, for the first time, the band came by the Roadrunner NY office. Appropriately enough, they shook down bassist Sean Pavey for a little Q & A. Check it out, some pretty good stuff here, including a ‘flip off’ from the King himself: Roadrunner: So, the 1st NYC show ever for Five Pointe O, looking forward to it? Sean: Yeah, real excited, been waiting for this for a long time. Roadrunner: Nice, nice. You guys have been on tour basically since February 20th. In that time, what moment sticks out the most? Sean: It’s kind of hard to remember anything on the road, it goes by real quick…but probably…yes, we got a chance to meet Kerry King in Corona, CA…though he didn’t talk to us much, just said ‘hi’ and walked by. He did flick me off later that night. He was sitting with Matt from Chimaira on the balcony of the venue. I told Matt we were leaving, Matt questioned “already”? That was when Kerry flicked me off. “Holy shit, I just got flicked off by Kerry King,” I said to myself. Not much left to accomplish now. Roadrunner: Ha! For those of you who do not know, when we speak of Kerry King, we are speaking of Slayer’s Kerry King. Back to the road, how about the longest drive? Sean: Actually, right after Kerry King flicked me off, we had to drive from Corona (outside LA) to Joliet (Chicago). Drove straight through, except for gas and food, about a 30 hour drive. Roadrunner: And you were riding in? Sean: Sixteen passenger van. But we did have a mattress in the back, so a little room to sleep. Roadrunner: Nothing but the best…And you slept? Sean: Slept about six of the thirty hours. Roadrunner: How about your longest sleep on the road? Sean: I’ve never really slept that much on the road, but when I get home, that is when it happens. Last time back home for a break, I slept for 22 hours straight. When I woke up the next day, I felt great. A state of euphoria. Roadrunner: How about eating habits on the road? Sean: Daniel (vocals) and Sharon (guitar) like Subway a lot, freak out when we see one. But most of the time it’s truck stops, cold sandwiches. Sometimes Burger King or Taco Bell. We try to eat healthy. Roadrunner: Sounds great. Sean: But, you can’t shit on the bus, and half the time can’t shit in the club because it’s already filled. So, bathroom is a bit of a problem on the road. I, personally, am eating less to shit less. Roadrunner: Recording your debut Untitled, the toughest song for you? Sean: Ahhh no, studio went smooth. I actually did all my bass tracks in two days. The gods of bass came down and blessed me with the power for a few hours. Roadrunner: And what did you do with the rest of the month you spent in El Paso? Sean: Played pool and drank. Got really good at pool. Roadrunner: And drinking? Sean: Not quite there, yet. Roadrunner: On the road, do you find you drink every night? Sean: Lately, yeah…we’re not a big party band, but ever since this 2nd half of this Mushroomhead tour, we’ve been drinking a bit too much. Now that Lamb of God is not on the bill anymore…they used to drink all the beer, but now there is plenty left for the rest of us! A bit too much. Roadrunner: Twas checking out the Behind The Music on Ozzy last night. Would there happen to be any hidden messages on Untitled? Sean: Subliminal? Roadrunner: Yep…and I’m the one asking the questions here… Sean: You have to listen to it and find out if you start acting strangely. We’re not responsible for any unusual behavior after listening to our album. Roadrunner: Last cd purchased? Sean: Last cd I bought? Shit, Shit, Shit…oh, Ramones, Anthology. Roadrunner: Last cd for free? Sean: Ahhh, let me look in this bag here (filled up on music whilst in Roadrunner office), Killswitch Engage. Awesome cd. I was a fan of their’s before Roadrunner signed them. I might be mistaken, but I think it was Dallas from God Forbid that said this is the best metalcore album…and I probably have to agree with him. at this point Sharon (guitar) walks by, “talkin’ more shit about us online,” she asks with a laugh? Roadrunner: Band that got you into music? Sean: ahhhh…ahh…ah… Roadrunner: Thank God this isn’t being videotaped… Sean: Probably Nirvana. Nirvana and Metallica “Right On,” Sharon chimes in, as her and Sean slap hands. Roadrunner: All right, one last question and we’ll let ya get ready for tonight’s show, is 5.0 a font or a Mustang model? Sean: A what or a Mustang? Roadrunner: A font or a Mustang model. Sean: Ha! It’s a Mustang model. We’re all about rock, hot women, and fast cars. None of us drive a Mustang, but we all wish we did. It was either call us Five Pointe O or Raw Horsepower…but Five Pointe O was a bit catchier. The rest of the hippies in the band say it’s a spiritual thing, but it’s really about rock and cars. O of course, Sean’s answer to the last question was purely said in jest. Roadrunner: Ha…that’s good. Quick. We’d like to think Sean for his time, and wish him and his band the best of luck tonight, and throughout the rest of their touring travels.

Spineshank Pre Production Begins

Posted on February 12, 2008

The band start pre-production on their third release come Monday 10 June. They will be joined in the studio with Howard Benson and Mike Plotnikoff. Where? L.A. Shortly before entering the studio to start work on what will be their 3rd release, Spineshank guitarist Mike Sarkisyan takes a few minutes to let us know what is up in the world of Spineshank. His words are as follows: hello hello hello!!! Wanna update you guys on what we’re up to. Well, the record is pretty much written. We start pre-production today (June 10) and we’ll start recording June 24th. Howard Benson is gonna produce the record and we’re gonna be recording right here in Los Angeles. I feel that this is gonna turn out to be the best SpineShank record ever, and I mean that. It’s gonna be called Violent Mood Swings – the tittle track is brutal, probably the heaviest thing we’ve ever done. Some other song titles for you: “Obsessive Compulsive”, “Dead To Me”, “Self Destructive Pattern”. As I’ve said before, this record has some of the heaviest, fastest stuff we’ve ever done, and some of the most melodic. Overall, I think it’s more “extreme” in every aspect. We’re not planning on doing a cover or anything like that. We should be done with the record sometime in late August or early September, so it’ll hopefully get released later this year. We don’t know how many songs are gonna end up on the record, but there will be no “fillers”. I’ll try to do more updates from the studio to keep you up to date with what’s going on. Until then take care and keep it rockin. -Mike Violent Shankings – Spineshank will begin pre-production on their upcoming new album “Violent Mood Swings” with producer Howard Benson (Sepultura, P.O.D.) on May 28th. They expect to finish up the process shortly after and are slated to start recording the album on June 10th with 15 songs in total set to be tracked. Around 11-12 are planned for inclusion on the album and the rest will be used for b-sides, soundtracks and video games. If all goes according to plan the album will see a release in early November and will be preceded by an as of yet undetermined first single and video.

What They Say About Five Pointe O

Posted on February 12, 2008

What the online community is saying about Five Pointe O’s debut release (i.e. not one word from our trap): “Five Pointe O will assault you with death metal and hardcore battery, and seduce you with heartfelt metalcore/emo melodies, as they recklessly tear through musical sequences inspired by every branch of modern metal. www.uraniummusic.com “From epic dirges to in your face vehemence, “Untitled” runs the gamut of sound and emotion.” www.theprp.com “The art created within the confines of “Untitled” will draw you into a web of devastating beauty that will leave you shaking and disoriented.” www.the-eko.com “This six piece is looking to create destructive and emotional mayhem. With the piercing ‘King of the Hill’, the tribal drumming and cranking riffs in ‘Purity 01’ to the slow, hard hitting unity in ‘Sympathetic Climate Control’ you will feel the beast and beauty that this band can throw at you.” www.eastcoastromper.com “í¢ä‰åŒ_this hardcore outfit from the Windy City rages, yet unlike other hardcore outfits of this ilk, they also have an operatic quality.” www.nyrock.com “The bottom line, Five Pointe O bring something new and different to the plate and are well worth your attentioní¢ä‰åŒ_” www.antimusic.com “By blending melody, beautifully crafted song writing and death metal growls, the end result is truly amazing.” www.noizepollution.com “Five Pointe O combine a startling mix of different metal forms – modern metal, hardcore, double-kick thrash and more- to create destructive and emotional mayhem that will no doubt get this band recognized over the next year or so.” www.inverse-music.com “Five Pointe O has a full CD that is packed with raw energy and emotion that transpires itself into a sound that is unmatched by any other band in today’s music scene” www.nosebleed17.com “‘Untitled’ can appeal universally–to any kind of fan, be it nu-metal, metalcore, metal, or and even fans of electronic metal and things like that, which is one of the many admirable things about Five Pointe 0.” www.undevoured.com “It is this no holds barred approach that makes ‘Untitled’ an album, not one hit and 10 other filler songs. I have always thought that music was something more then just something to dance or mosh to. Five Pointe O proves my theory correct.” www.megakungfu.com

The Littlest Spineshank

Posted on February 12, 2008

‘LIL JONNY… Jonny Santos, vocalist of Spineshank, is a proud dad. Last night, May 6th, his wife Jen, gave birth to a 7lb 3oz baby boy. Jonny and Jen spent long and hard deciding on a name and came up with….Jonny. Congratulations to Jonny, Jen, and Jonny…and the rest of the Spineshank family, too.


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