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Soulfly Tour Photo’s

Posted on February 12, 2008

Did you catch Soulfly in London or Wolverhampton recently? Check out our live photos from the London show in the Soulfly gallery. Earlier this week, Soulfly returned home from a string of festival and headline tour dates in Europe. Bassist Marcello Rapp, via phone back home in San Francisco, describes the experience as follows – “attitude, awesome, aggressive, sweaty, kick-ass.” Next up, a U.S. tour with Slayer which starts on August 3rd. Now, before any of this touring business started, Soulfly shot a video. Remember? Ahhh, yeah…well, finally have it up online for you to see. But first, a couple words on this piece. This video, for the track “Seek N Strike,” was shot out in the desert plains of Arizona back on June 1st. More specifically, the video was shot on the area surrounding the Cavalera ranch. True. The day, HOT. “It was a hot day, that day. Thing I remember most was it being 110, 115 degrees that day,” recalls Marcello about the shoot. “Literally boiled our brains shooting this video.” But, it was all worth it. “Grateful to see the results…very pleased with the results,” concludes Marcello. Check it out for yourself, a Quicktime stream of “Seek N Strike” can be found in the VIDEO section. You can also request this video on Kerrang! TV – sel # 709.

Soulfly UK Tour Update

Posted on February 12, 2008

Bring It.. to Wolverhampton and London. “No more motherfuckin Hootie and the Blowfish,” shouts Max. It is July 11th, the aftermath. The previous 2 nights have seen Soulfly play shows in Wolverhampton and London.. their first UK shows since Roy rejoined the band and new album ‘3’ was released. Much of the daytime pre-show was spent doing various interviews, although in London most of the band managed to sneak off for a couple hours shopping around the local areas… those queueing round the side of the Kentish Town Forum may have seen Mikey & co return with an assortment of bags! What else? After hanging out with some Roadrunner teamers, the band & crew retire to the tourbus, where we discover that Marcelo and Mikey are big Ali G fans, throwing out a few “booyakashas” themselves while watching Ali G videos…. to a soundtrack of AC/DC. “Angus Young is the King!” exclaims Mikey, with a look defying anyone to disagree. Despite a few technical hiccups preventing Roy from hearing much music during the set in Wolverhampton, Marcelo says the both shows were “fuckin’ amazing! The whole place was jumping, everywhere you looked everyone was bouncing!” They brush off the problems stating, “that’s just a real rock ‘n’ roll show…” London’s set list involved: Downstroy, Seek n Strike, No Hope = No Fear, Jump Da Fuck Up/Bring It, Roots, Beriumbau/Tribe, Attitude, Tree Of Pain (with guest appearance by Richie, Dana’s brother), Refuse, Last Of The Mohicans, Fire/Umba (drums), Quilombo, Back To The Primitive, No, and Eye For An Eye. All too soon the show is over and the crew are loading out… straight after, the band are driving through the night to Paris.. leaving us with promises to return later in the year. H82K2 tour with Slayer Soulfly are soon to hit the road with Slayer and In Flames across the USA & Canada – the tour runs from August 3 into September!

Who Are Ill Nino?

Posted on February 12, 2008

So who’s who? Here’s a quick run down on the six band members of Ill Nino. Christian Machado (vocals): Ill Nino’s voice. Brazilian-born. Grew up in both Brazil and Venezuela. The son of a Brazilian musician. Great frontman. Speaks Spanish and English fluently with a smattering of Portuguese. Dave Chavarri (drums): Ill Nino’s founder and driving force. Peruvian born. Has played in a number of bands including M.O.D., Pro Pain and more notably, Soulfly. Dave filled in for Soulfly after Roy Mayorga’s departure from the band and continued with them for a couple months, recording a track for the second Black Sabbath tribute record. Great sense of humor. Speaks English and Spanish fluently. Roger Vasquez (Percussion): Hails from Spanish Harlem. Plays the the Congas and Timbales and adds to the general Ill Nino soundclash. Has gigged around the Northeast and toured South America with the intensely political NYC based group, Ricanstruction. Extremely personable. Speaks Spanish and English fluently. A great personality. Marc Rizzo (Guitars): Plays Flamenco (Spanish) guitar like he was born to it. Musically, a key member of the band. 22 years old. Guitar god in waiting. Lazaro Pina (Bassist): Dominican but New York born and bred. Owner of the studio wherein Ill Nino did all pre-production for Revolution…Revolucion, did much of the engineering for the LP, and reads Charles Bukowski books before going to bed at night/morning. Nuff said! Jardel Paisante (Guitars): Brazilian born and relocated to the US only three years ago. Hails from Max Cavalera’s hometown of Belo Horizante (near Rio). Fantastic live presence. Speaks English and Portuguese fluently.” This is the word on Ill Nino according to Mike G.

New Soulfly Website

Posted on February 12, 2008

So, you’ve got your Soulfly homework cut out for you – three times over. One, new Soulfly website. Actually, new address too. Yes, www.SoulflyTribe.com still works like a motherfucker, but in case you have yet to be hipped to the fact, www.Soulfly.com will now take you there too. Check it. Two, and Three, there is a new Soulfly page up which can be seen at www.RoadrunnerRecords.com/3. Why does this count as “two” and “three”? Why because you can check out streams of both “Enterfaith” and “Seek ‘N’ Strike” off the 3 release, silly. Video! “It was so hot, people were puking,” tells Christina from Oasis Management. “I don’t know if you should write that, but it’s true,” she continues. “Mikey actually burnt his hand from picking up his guitar which was laying in the sun. Blistered his thumb.” Now that’s hot… The above, all true. All taken from this past Saturday’s (June 1) Soulfly “Seek ‘N’ Strike” video shoot. Maria Gonzales, Roadrunner Media Relations, was present at the shoot. Her account of the day is as follows: “The video production crew arrived at the location at about 5am to start setting up for the shoot. Things kicked off at around 8am. Lots of band footage was taped during this time because the heat was not so bad, but as the sun began to poke through the clouds the temperature rose to a scorching 110 degrees. This is abnormal for Phoenix this time of year according to the locals, it is usually only 100 degrees. Whatever…hot is hot. Once the first leg of band performance was filmed, it was time to film the “tribe”. At this point we were at the hottest point of the day. The “tribe” consisted of young adolescents with their faces painted in tribal war paint walking through the desert in search of their fearless leader, Max Cavalera and his bandmates. The “tribe” stumble upon the band rocking out the chords of “SEEK ‘N’ STRIKE”. A mosh pit ensues and the when the song is over, the “tribe” jumps up and down in hysterics. The video then takes us to the river bed where Soulfly are joined by their loyal “tribe” for a rainshower. A water truck was brought onto the scene to spray Max and crew with water as they stood up on rocks to celebrate the band’s performance.” All in a day’s work.

New Cuts From 3

Posted on February 12, 2008

It’s Monday…wake up…hit up our DOWNLOADS section for a new cut from Soulfly’s upcoming 3. Download it, turn up the speakers, turn off the phone. We’ll let the song speak for itself. Get your ears around this… we present to you the first cut from the new Soulfly album ‘3’… download yourself this MP3 of Enterfaith in the Downloads section. WIsh You Were Here Promo Trip – May ’02 What happened during the UK stop? Besides some interviews for future features with magazines, and some radio hookups, we sent one of our street teamers, Gavin Lewis, off to Max’s hotel for a face-to-face. What do we mean? Simply, we got a whole bunch of questions in from our teamers, and sent Gavin interview Max and get the answers. Cool, no? Mikey Likes Japan A few months back when Roadrunner Japan A&R Rep Kaori was visiting the NYC Roadrunner office, the wheels were in motion. These wheels we speak of were Kaori’s idea to have Soulfly guitarist Mikey Doling produce the upcoming release from Bat Cave, a Roadrunner act in Japan. Remember Kaori? Remember Bat Cave? Mikey is producing Bat Cave’s upcoming release. Did You Know? Mikey’s previous production credits include the Lynn Strait tribute, and demos for Hemlock. True. This week, we bring you more words from our US Controller Neil, and his conversation with Marcelo of Soulfly… “I spoke today with Soulfly bassist Marcelo Dias. Marcelo reports that he’s really pleased with the band’s latest effort “3”, which will be instores this summer. After overcoming some hurdles on the first two records, Marcelo indicates “We’re more mature together now. This record everything came together.” They road tested new cuts “Last Of The Mohicans”, “Interfaith”, & “Downstroy” on their recent tour with Static X. Marcelo says, “The crowds are loving them. They’re heavier, with more hooks” than ever before. Marcelo is eagerly anticipating hearing the final mix of the record, which was just completed by Terry Date. Terry is a Roadrunner veteran, having previously mixed Slipknot’s “Iowa” and Machine Head’s “The Burning Red”.” …thanks for the time and the line Marcelo & Neil…

Latest Album News

Posted on February 12, 2008

An earlier report straight from the mouth of Monte, Soulfly’s A&R man. “They are in the studio as we speak, and have a about 5 songs tracked so far, plus a few cover songs. Roy Mayorga is officially back in the band and is out there with them. The only 2 song titles I have are “Downstroy” and “Enterfaith”. They are recording at Chaton Studios in Phoenix, with Max producing and Otto “Rusty” D’Agnolo engineering. They should be done in approx. 5 weeks. It is not yet know who will mix the LP.” Remember that 3 song demo we told you that Max was working on? Well, it’s complete and in house and the cause of some new excitement here at Roadrunner… As told, it was produced by Max Cavalera himself. Greg Hall (ex-Sacred Reich) guested on the drums and Danny Marianino (from the Phoenix band Northside Kings) added some guitar and bass tracks. Recording took place at Chaton Studios in Phoenix, with Otto “Rusty” D’Agnolo engineering. Rusty has a long history with Max, having recorded the legendary Nailbomb album Pointblank back in 1994, as well as the Sabbath cover “Under The Sun” that appeared on the LP Nativity In Black II last year. Here’s a quick rundown on the songs: 1. “Downstroy” – a future Soulfly classic with a driving riff on the verse that is reminiscent of “Eye For An Eye” with a “Chaos A.D.”-era guitar tuning. 2. “Enterfaith” – a more “Primitive”-style track with a monster hook and some adventurous vocals by Max. 3. “I Will Refuse” – a ferocious cover of the Pailhead song. Max played all instruments on this one, cepting for the drums. A while ago we wrote that Max Cavalera, founder of Soulfly, was heading into the studio to start some preliminary stuff stuff on his own for the recording of the upcoming Soulfly release. Also, that he may be producing the effort himself. Well, we have been true to our word. Max has recorded the better portions of three songs, all in demo fashion. Two of the tracks are originals and the third being a cover track of a song called “I Will Refuse” by Pailhead. Word is that these initial demos Max is doing are sick (in a good way). “I cannot even begin to tell you how sick they are,” exclaimed someone close to the project. As hinted earlier, Max is looking at possibly producing the new effort on his own, which is the main reason for recording these three demos – so Max can go in and get a feel of the studio. interesting fact – the same guy whom engineered the Nailbomb effort, Otto D’Agnolo, is doing the same in the studio with Max right now. Vocals for the three tracks were said to be completed Oct 3, with mixing taking place over the last couple days of this week. Doubt we’ll be able to share these demos with you, but that is what is goin’ on right now… Oh, did you know that back in August Max jammed with a band called The Cremains? Word is they are a Navajo Indian band. At a Navajo Indian Reservation in Tuba City, Arizona, in the USA, Max joined them on stage for “Roots” and “Boom”. Did you go to the UK Ozzfest in May 2001? See our exclusive photos of live Slipknot & Soulfly, plus the Soulfly Signing Session at the Kerrang! tent! Can you see yourself in any of them? You might remember a previous mention that the film “Driven” – written by, produced by, and starring Sylvester Stallone – will be using Junkie XL’s track “Legion”. Did we mention Sylvester Stallone is in the movie? Well, now the trailer for this film will be using Junkie XL’s “Def Beat” along with Soulfly’s track “Bleed”, off their self titled debut release. The trailer for the film “The Forsaken” by Sony Screen Gems will be using Coal Chamber’s “Loco” and Soulfly’s “Mulambo”. Marcello, bassist of Soulfly, sat down for an interview with emuse-ic after sound check at the Newport Music Hall in Ohio, USA. Half of the text relaying Marcello’s answers are actually links which you can click on to hear Marcello speak the answers himself. Well worth a peak. Check it out HERE (www.emuseic.com/April_2/Soulfly_page1.html).

Max Hits The Big Screen

Posted on February 12, 2008

MAX HITS THE BIG SCREEN… Out now is the film The Mummy II, The Scorpion King, starring pro wrestler The Rock. In the movie, The Rock sells his soul to the devil to become the famed Scorpion King. Now, when The Rock is transformed to the Scorpion King, he has no voice. All he can do is growl (groooowl), grunt (grunt grunt), and make other tribal sort of noises. Well, these noises that you hear coming from The Rock’s voice when he is the Scorpion King are actually coming from the throat of MAX CAVALERA. “Son Song” appears on the Warner Bros. soundtrack album (out now) for the film “Valentine”, a horror/thriller starring Denise Richards. Also on the album are tracks from: Rob Zombie, Disturbed, Static X, Linkin Park, Deftones, Orgy, Marilyn Manson, Amanda Ghost, Professional Murder Music, BT, Filter and Snake River Conspiracy. Did you see the band playing with Glassjaw and Earthtone 9 in Nottingham, Glasgow, and London last year? Have a look at our TOUR PHOTO SPECIAL (www.roadrunnerrecords.co.uk/sfphoto.html)!! The band also took time out to host an instore signing session at Tower Records in Piccadilly, London and you can see photos from this in the photo special! The band’s new video ‘Back To The Primitive’ has also been added to the MTV2 play list – check it out!

Download A Free goneblind MP3

Posted on February 12, 2008

About time we gave you something to listen to. Download yourself a free MP3 of song ‘Remnants’ in the MUSIC section. goneblind, the EP. Come Sept 24, in what now seems to be recent tradition for Roadrunner USA (see Sinch, Murderdolls, Stone Sour EP’s) we will be releasing a goneblind EP – but only in the USA once again. This release will contain five tracks, tracks which the band had in the bag when they came to Roadrunner. In fact, the only thing we had to do with these tracks, was mastering. True. Track listing will be as follows: 1) “Remnants” 2) “Rescue Me” 3) “Pass On Through” 4) “American Original” 5) “Ameissen” And now, a bit of a personal note: US Road Crew member DAVE PIEKARSKI from Houston shares the following: Just wanted to pass along a little info on the new RR band goneblind. As you probably know, these guys are from Houston. I know the bass player, Mitch Burman, pretty well. Well, this could be on the main page under news next week – The club the Engine Room, where goneblind is playing, is owned by Mitch Burman, the bass player. A club where may RR acts have played. Such as Spineshank, Dry Kill Logic, Ill Nino, Chimaira and a few other I can’t recall off the top of my head. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!! All true, too, mind you. And FYI, off the top Veronica’s head (RR US tour dept), 36 Crazyfists, Five Pointe O, Coal Chamber, Machine Head, and Fear Factory have also played there. Touche.

Roadrunner Sign goneblind

Posted on February 12, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the hardest working band in the business, goneblind. Hailing from Houston, TX, the band has spent the past three years touring the US – on their own accord and dime.Three years ago also happens to be the same time when Roadrunner A&R Rep Ron Burman started taking notice. At the annual SXSW festival in Austin, TX, Ron saw the band for the first time. Though some songs were in place, Ron tells that at the time something was missing. Fast forward three years, late 2001, to a goneblind show at Arlene Grocery in NYC. “They fuckin’ smoked,” Ron states. “Fuckin’ blew me away.” And so it is, Roadrunner’s latest band in the family, goneblind. John Curry – vocals and guitar Mitch Burman – bass Marc Archer – drums Artie Rincon – guitar Description of the band? Hear for yourself – in our downloads section you will find an MP3 file of their song “Reminder”, a demo recorded back in August 2001 in Orlando, Florida. For you tech guys out there, this demo was recorded on a lil’ Roland 2480. Enjoy. goneblind, welcome aboard. goneblind, one of the newest acts to the Roadrunner family, is hitting the road from July 11-August 3 in the USA. This band, which is no stranger to the wears of the road, is confirmed to play the side stage on the upcoming Jerry Cantrell / Creed tour. The exact lineup for this tour is as follows: Creed headlining, Jerry Cantrell in direct support, and 12 Stones opening. On the side stage, it will be goneblind and another act called Familiar 48.

Primative Tracklisting

Posted on February 12, 2008

PRIMITIVE is out now! Full tracklisting is as follows: Back To The Primitive Pain – with Chino Moreno (Deftones) + Grady Avenell (Will Haven) Bring It Terrorist – with Tom Araya (Slayer) Mulambo Son Song – with Sean Lennon Boom Jumpdafuckup – with Corey Taylor (Slipknot) Soulfly II Prophet Flyhigh In Memory Of…


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