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Killswitch Engage Surfer Tips

Posted on February 12, 2008

TIP OF THE DAY: Yes the internet is a wide web indeed… and so today, we’ll halt your hunt for smiles and give it to ya straight! Direct from Mike of KsE himself comes this mighty link… so check it out HERE! No, it’s not free porn (sorry), but it will make you smirk. And while you’re happy surfing.. check out a super cool ecard for KsE… you can find it at: www.aliveorjustbreathing.com Yes, those are indeed new band photos you can see.. fresh from the shoot. The building in the background is actually an old closed down mental asylum… supposedly haunted too we hear. None of KsE have ever been patients there. Learn something new every day. RECRUITMENT – If you like this band, why not apply to join our e-team and help promote them? We’re currently looking for some new faces from all over England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales to be part of our e-team. So if you fancy being part of the Roadrunner team, all you have to do is click on the street team link or go to: www.roadrunnerrecords.com/rruk to sign up! Alive Or Just Breathing: Released May 20th. Ever wondered what our bands get up to in the studio? Check out our photo special of Killswitch Engage in The Making Of ‘Alive Of Just Breathing’. All photos viewed at your own risk…

A Lesson In Killswitch Engage

Posted on February 12, 2008

Ever wonder how the band came to be called Killswitch Engage? We asked Mike earlier today, and here’s the tale: “well I had the Killswitch part for a while.. I was watching THE X-FILES and the word popped up and I thought it was cool. The Engage part came cause there needed to be some sort of adjective to “enhance” the Killswitch Part. At 1st no one liked it “it is too STAR TREK” everyone said… but it grew on everyone after a while.The final decision to keep the name came when they fell in love with the logo.” Mike also comes up with most of the song titles. You learn something new every day. So, you remember we told you that the band were hunting a new drummer? That Adam was going to return to guitar? Tom Gomes is the new sticksman. What can we tell you about him? Fresh from the mouth of Mike comes this: “he was the drummer for Adam and Joel’s band AFTERSHOCK, so we all know him from that. He is 24 I think and he has been raised a vegetarian since birth. He plays drums like a machine… very steady and consistant”. What else in the world of KsE? Mike reports, “the record is being tweaked at the moment by Andy Sneap… but it is VERY close. It will be done this week”. He also tells they are hopeful of touring with Candiria in the near future – unfortunately only in the US, but good to get out on the road playing shows for the first time in 6 months. Having spent the weekend slaving away to meet art deadlines, he also writes “artwork for the record is in and ready for the pressing plant. As far as the artwork goes… it was my 1st attempt at watercolors… I had fun. Most of the components (real objects) of the cover were scanned in by me. I broke a clock to get some gears… I cut up paper for the front image. The cover is about 15 different images rolled in one. I just like trying new stuff. I go about things “improperly” on purpose to see if the outcome can work to my advantage – lots of trial and error. I like the look of mixing “true life” items in with photoshoppy backgrounds… my girlfriend was mad that I broke the clock for the gears – all in the name of art!” Yes, Mike is indeed the designer. Remember we told tales of the US press trip below? It started off a little uncomfortably too… “Adam lost feeling in 1/2 his body due to a pinched nerve… he is doing good, but it is hard to function… most of it is due to sitting in a bad chair at the recording studio.. and he says he fell asleep on the plane on the way home and slept wrong.” We’re sure A&R man Mike and mixer Andy weren’t involved in any foul play at the studio – not that we’ve heard of anyway. Mike tells us that Adam is doing much better now, just waiting for feeling to return in his fingers. “He practiced with us Sunday and everything sounded great.” Stressful times though – get well soon Adam. Adam returned back from the mix sessions in the UK with Andy Sneap on Monday (Feb 25). Sneap is now working solo, doing a few final tweaks on the mixes, and then mastering. The band’s UK press officer has been out in the US hooking up some cool Kerrang! & Metal Hammer folks with the band. We got an email from Mike, KsE’s bassist. What did it say? “Everything went well yesterday with the gang.. boy did they look tired! The best part was the hotel they got booked at.. be sure and ask her about that one! fun times Miked”. Now you are as curious as we were, yes? One enquiring email later, Mike replied, “From what they told me it was a gay hotel complete with drag queens, gay porn magazines and poodles! The way they described it was great! It was amazing. I told them they must have thought the name of the magazine was “Man Hammer” instead of Metal Hammer! Miked KsE ” Fun and games indeed, these tales from the road. Never a dull moment. Friday Mar 15 at the Elysium (in Austin, Texas), KILLSWITCH ENGAGE will be performing at the Century Media Records showcase which will also feature the following artists: Shadows Fall, Diecast, Haste, Scar Culture, etc. The show promises to be nothing short of staggering. Wish we could be there. Note that Shadows Fall frontman used to front the band OVERCAST which featured Mike D from Killswitch Engage on bass. It’s gonna be a big reunion. So how did Mike (bassist) spend his weekend? Sending an email update to us about the band, that’s how. And here, hot off the email, is his report: “So Adam should be in the UK at this point taking 1 plane to Nottingham and another to Leeds. The photo shoot went great, Photographer Daniel Moss was very cool and had lots of ideas for the shoot. We started the day off at 10 AM at boarded up INSANE ASYLUM that had been closed for 15 years… very spooky, lots of noises could be heard from inside the buildings (which have been empty and boarded up for quite some time). After lunch we headed to a tobacco farm for some strange shots under these crazy stringy things. We finished off the day at a broken down railroad track bridge.. very UNSAFE I might add, but Daniel had no problems ordering us on the rickety bridge for some posing. Wrapping up at 6PM it was a hard days work.. and VERY cold I might add, some of us were told to take off our jackets to “add something different to the photos”… we all thought it was just to make us all cold. Fortunately I was the only one who got the flu out of everyone.. oh well, all in the name of rock and roll. fun stuff… talk to you soon Miked”. Thanks Mike, we appreciate the words… we’re sure the photos will look great… and get well soon! Release has been set for May 20th. This is the last weekend Killswitch Engage has in the studio recording their upcoming debut Alive Or Just Breathing?, as next weekend (Feb 8) KsE drummer / producer Adam will be heading here to the UK to mix this debut with Andy Sneap. BUT, before he goes, Roadrunner crew will be heading up to Westfield, MA where the band has been recording, with the purpose of the inaugural KsE photoshoot. Word is that Roadrunner personnel with be spending Tuesday (Feb 5) scouting locations in Westfield for the shoot, and that on Wednesday (Feb 6) the actual deed will occur. So, word coming down from the A&R department is that Killswitch Engage has about four sessions left until the recording of their Roadrunner debut is complete. As of right now, producer and drummer Adam Dutkiewitz is scheduled to fly to Nottingham on Feb 8th to mix this bad boy with acclaimed producer Lord Andy Sneap. Mixing is to commence on Feb 10th. So, what does Andy have to say about this upcoming KsE project? He has been quoted saying the following, and we couldn’t have written it any better ourselves: “KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, a new Roadrunner signing who, if like me you miss power chords, riffs and guitar squeals in this day of detuned, single note, toe touching nu-metal garbage, will not disappoint.” Thoughts on an incredible creation coming from a small studio in Westfield, Mass. So, Killswitch Engage’s A&R Rep here at Roadrunner (Mike Gitter) took RR US web dude Chris into his office early last week to hear the latest of the Killswitch Engage recordings. Four songs he played – “Temple From The Within”, “Transfiguration”, “My Last Serenade”, “Self Revolution”. What did Chris think? “Wow”. At some point while Mike had this new KsE material cranking, his phone rang. Without turning the music down even a fraction of a decibel, Mike picked up the phone…one can guess the guy on the other side asked “what are you listening to?” “Some shitty band,” mused Mike with a smile on his face. Turns out the call on the other line was KsE’s current drummer (more to come on that) and producer of the music, Adam Dutkiewitz. With the music still playing, the two discuss dates…calendars get examined…dates are agreed upon…songs titles are listed…and somewhere along the line the words “Eight more days with Jesse” is spoken (meaning 8 more days of vocal tracking is left). The door to Mike’s office is open. Sitting on the couch outside just happened to be Machine Head’s Robert Flynn (guitar/vocals) and Adam Duce (bass). From their demeanor, expression, and enthusiasm when talking with Mike about the band, you could tell they were impressed with what they were hearing. During his conversation with Robert and Adam, Mike proudly tells “we’ve put out some very expensive records that don’t sound as good as this…and we’re only 60% of the way there.” Some big sounds are coming from a small studio in Westfield, Mass. Indeed. Since that day last week, Mike reports today Jan 15 that KsE is nearing completion of their Roadrunner debut, titled Alive Or Just Breathing. Word is that only vocals on two tracks along with some random touch-up work remain. Did You Know? Adam Dutkiewitz is only the drummer in the band by default. He is actually a guitarist by trade. Apparently, it’s true. Carl, our manager of new media at Roadrunner US, frankly tells “he’s one of those dicks that can do everything.” (yes, Carl has known Adam since well before KsE signed with Roadrunner, and he says it in a loving, perhaps even envious tone). Well, with recording almost complete, word has it Killswitch Engage is readying a new touring line-up that brings drummer Adam D. out from behind the kit to play GUITAR. While, the change is not totally 100% just yet, it looks as if KsE is adding drummer Tom Gomes, who played drums with Adam and fellow six-stringer Joel in the defunct metalcore mob, Aftershock. Says bassist Mike D’Antonio of the much needed line-up shift: “Things are clicking… we are having a blast with the new songs…. should know soon if the 5 piece is set in stone.” Once again, weirdly enough, Adam is a guitarist first and a drum leviathan in Killswitch by default. Adam’s shift to rhythm guitar has been something the band has long been discussing and it looks as if Killswitch Engage has found the right man for the job. Did you know that KsE drummer Adam is vastly multitalented? He graduated from BERKELEY (world renowned music college) and plays every instrument in the book, produces, engineers… the whole works. He is producing the KsE album and Andy Sneap is mixing and mastering. Did you know that when Mike isn’t being the KsE bassist he works as a designer for Clear Channel? What does he do exactly? Well, last week he did an Ozzy billboard for Times Square in New York… yes, it’s true. If you live in NY, look out for it! Of course, he had to do a Creed one afterwards, but you know, every job has it’s highs and lows, or lows and highs, whichever way you prefer to look at it. Did you know that Adam is coming over to the UK to oversee the mixing/mastering of the album in Nottingham? To save 퉌£$, the rest of the band are staying home, but they’re not avoiding the cold weather. As I type this, Mike tells me it’s snowing right now. Did you know the band are planning to hit the road touring in the US from March/April through June? However, Mike tells, “no clue as to who we are going with. I do know there are several bands interested in taking us, only time will tell. We must get this record FINISHED 1st and foremost…” Did you know the album title “ALIVE OR JUST BREATHING” is a chorus in the KsE song called “Just Barely Breathing”? How did it come about? Mike divulges, “I really liked the title and pushed to get everyone in the band to okay it. In short, not only is being in a band making us whole and “ALIVE”, but it also represents us as a band and the chances we are taking to “make this thing work”. Sappy? Maybe.” Did you know rumour has it the cover art is done but is being kept under wraps til closer to release? What’s it like? “Hard to describe”, says Mike. You’ll just have to wait and see. Until next time, that wraps up this game of Did You Know. How did you do? By the way, it’s Mike who does most of the official band site updating and he’s redone lots recently. Check it out at www.killswitchengage.com

K! Awards, Ozzfest and Reading

Posted on February 12, 2008

BEST BAND… Slipknot won Best Band In The World at the 2001 Kerrang Awards held Aug 28th in London. As the band are in the US, we sent some hardcore boilersuited and masked up Slipknot fans to collect the award on their behalf. What a time they had! You can see the photos in the Slipknot gallery. You can read all about it in the words of Paul Howard (with Sid mask), one of the maggots who attended: “It all started when I arrived in work at 10am on Tuesday morning. Very much bleary eyed after a very heavy weekend at Reading I was scanning through my mail and found an urgent email. A group of Slipknot fans were needed in London at 2pm that day!!! After a frantic mail to Kirsten at RR UK and a couple of phone calls later I was on my way to the Kerrang Awards 2001. After arriving at RRUK the five of us were told of the plan and the mass surprise of us turning up as fans to accept the award. Arriving at the event was insane, camera’s flashing everywhere and interviews going on left right and centre, it was like the who’s who of modern rock. After hooking up with a few of the bands I already know and keeping the secret of what was about to go down the awards begun, gradually the time was getting closer, looking at the stage and all the amazing people that were going up to collect the new look K awards the adrenalin started to kick in. We were then advised to go and change into our Slipknot boilersuits and masks. Standing at the back of the room I began to understand why the band wear the masks. I started to feel the buzz and the mass rush and I felt like Sid. When the award was announced we went onto autopilot, weaving through all the tables heading to the stage. After accepting the award I looked out into the crowd it was he most amazing feeing in the world. To have so many of my heroes, people who have influenced my life so much clapping for us was like a dream come true. We then were led from the stage to do a few interviews and some photos for Kerrang. After the awards were finished we were led back upstairs to where we were pretty much jumped on by various band members from Papa Roach, One Minute Silence and System of a Down, all wanting to talk to us and hang out. We were then led through to another room for more interviews and photos with programs like CD:UK. We were then left to our own devices, I met so many of my idol’s and people I have looked up to for so many years like Bruce Dickenson and Brian May, everyone was so down to earth and so cool. Hopefully some of my photo’s will be placed on line. My thanks goes out to all at Roadrunner (especially Kirsten =)) and Kerrang for making it the best day of my life. I also want to send out thanks to the guys in Dislocated Styles, Chuck is the man and he was the coolest guy to hang out with and get to know. Thanks for making the best day of my life.” Did you go to the UK Ozzfest in May? See our exclusive photos of live Slipknot & Soulfly, plus the Soulfly Signing Session at the Kerrang! tent! Can you see yourself in any of them? (check out the gallery) If you are a Kerrang! follower you’ll know that the band were nominated for no less than an astonishing 6 Kerrang! Awards in 2000. The guys scooped 3 awards in the end, making history as the first band to ever win more than 2 award – namely, Best Band In The World, Best Single, and Best International Live Act!!

The Word Of Killswitch Engage

Posted on February 12, 2008

– Word is Killswitch is still banging out the recording of their debut Roadrunner release, Alive Or Just Breathing, at Zing Studios in Massachusetts. – Word is recording is around 65% done (do not ask how that figure was calculated), with mostly vocals taking up the percentage that needs completed. – Speaking of vocals, word is that Shadows Fall frontman, Brian Fair, will be joining the band in the studio this weekend to lay down some lines. Did you know, Brian and Mike used to be in Overcast? – Speaking of lines, song titles at present include “Temple From The Within”, “Numbered Days”, “Transfiguration”, “Just Barely Breathing”, “Self-Revolution”, “My Last Serenade”, “In The Unblind”, and “Vide Infra”. – Word is there is another handful of untitled songs being tracked, along with the possibility of an instrumental being put on the release. – Word is also that there might be another batch of studio pictures creeping up after the weekend…we shall see… Taken straight from an email from Mike D’Antonio, comes the following words…”Things are going great with the band, the record is almost done, just 1/2 the vocals are left. Andy Sneap mixes and masters the LP the 1st 2 weeks of Feb in England. All in all it should be ready for a May release. We start to tour around March and will go through the rest of 2002 prob. The cover art is basically done at this point, we are waiting on the lyrics and song orders to complete.” We can confirm release is tentatively set for May 13th. Talking from Zing Studio, Killswitch Engage frontman Jesse Leach sheds some light on the ongoing Killswitch recording process: “It’s been a slow process for us but things are turning out great. I definitely hand it to [producer] Adam D. – he’s the man. We’re taking our time, dissecting things. It’s made me push myself to my limits – getting a lot more passion and deliver out of what I’m doing.” The next few weeks will find Killswitch joined in the studio by Shadows Fall frontman Brian Fair. Fair is an old friend of the band and a former bandmate of KsE bassist Mike D’antonio from seminal metalcore legends, Overcast. “It’s an honor and a blessing to have him do guest vocals on the album,” says Jesse of Shads-man Fair. “He’s an energetic singer who we all know and respect – for quite some time now.” The debut is titled Alive Or Just Breathing. The band writes the following: Creating an LP for Roadrunner is no easy task. Not by a long shot. Painstaking effort, endless hours locked indoors, enduring blistered broken strumming hands… with these sacrifices for our album, we ensure true perfection in our music. This comes from the A&R mouth of Mike… “Production will be helmed by drummer Adam Dutkiewicz who also produced the band’s 2000 Ferret Records debut. The album will be mixed in January in Nottingham, England by Andy (Machine Head/Skinlab) Sneap.” Yes you read that right! Nottingham, England! We are happy to offer up a new download from Killswitch Engage, a track called “Numbered Days”. You can hear it here. “Numbered Days” is a hint of what’s to come from Killswitch Engage. “THE TIME APPROACHES!” screams Jesse Leach as the band comes storming in. If nothing else, “Numbered Days” is a scream-to-arms. A cry for purification. Desperate music for desperate times. If the song is brutal, the sentiment is pure, white and scalding. Listen closely to the lyrics. In light of recent events, this song – which was written and demo’ed last Winter – is especially chilling. “Numbered Days” was among the first songs demoed for KsE’s upcoming LP, tentatively titled Alive But Just Breathing. Recorded by drummer and LP producer Adam Dutkiewicz, the demo itself – which was never even mixed! – was recorded very quickly which added to the overall power, tension and vibe of the song. ‘Numbered Days’ was included on the Kerrang! cover-mount CD on the Dec 1st issue. Presently, Killswitch Engage are busily writing their Roadrunner debut with plans to hit the studio at the end of October. Tracks finished at present include: “Numbered Days”, “Transfiguration”, “Just Barely Breathing”, “Pull”, “Self-Revolution” and “My Last Serenade”. While the LP will also include a rerecorded version of the song “Temple From The Within”, the band are also rerecording the songs “In The Unblind” and “Vide Infra” from their Ferret Records debut. Once the record is finished, the band will convene with metal mixer extrodinaire, Andy Sneap (Machine Head, Stuck Mojo, Skinlab, Arch Enemy) to deliver a record that one RR staffer is calling “Roadrunner’s most credible record since Roots.” Get ready for pure heaviness and emotion set to sound. Soul music mainlining raw feeling and the heaviest of tuning. You may have seen the Massachusetts-based foursome destroy crowds at past and recent gigs with the likes of the Soul Brains, VOD and Cradle of Filth. You may have even heard their already metalcore classic Killswitch Engage on ultra-cool indie Ferret Records. Now, Killswitch Engage take the next step with next year’s Roadrunner debut, tentatively titled ‘Alive Or Just Breathing’, due in early 2002. The whisper-to-a-scream sound of Killswitch Engage is the combination of four distinct players and personalities. Bassist Mike D’Antonio’s previous band, Overcast, set the stage for what is being called “The New Wave of American Metal”, a riveting sound also played out by the likes of Shadows Fall, God Forbid and Lamb of God. Drummer Adam Dutkiewcz and guitarist Joel Stroezel took that sound to heart in the band Aftershock while frontman Jesse Leach first howled the heartfelt in Rhode Island’s Corrin in the USA. Killswitch Engage takes all of that miles further. It’s music so emotive, so melodic, yet so heavy that you won’t be able to brush it off. It’s pure Molt (as in “Molten”) served up at a time when “heavy” is just so much dispensable radio fodder. Killswitch Engage is the real shit. We present to you the following 4 ‘fun’ facts about Killswitch Engage: 1-Bassist Mike D’Antonio’s previous band, Overcast, is responsible for setting the stage for today’s metalcore movement, inspiring the likes of God Forbid and Lamb of God. Overcast’s singer, Brian Fair is now the dreadlocked throat of Massachussetts metallists, Shadows Fall. 2 -Singer Jesse Leach has a sizeable acting role in the fim, “Outside Providence” which was written by “Something About Mary” directors, the Farrelly Brothers. His character is perpetually stoned throughout the movie. 3-Drummer Adam D. runs recording sessions at Zing Studios in Easthampton, MA. He recently produced records by Unearth, Everytime I Die and Autumn To Ashes. 4-Killswitch Engage really does practice in guitarist Joel Stroezel’s bedroom. Thanks go to the man that signed the band, Mike ‘Metal Mike’ Gitter, for the above info. To get better acquainted with Killswitch Engage, the band are featured on the original soundtrack release ‘Ginger Snaps’ – out now on Roadrunner. Check out the Ginger Snaps news section for more details. You can hear an MP3 in our Downloads section! To learn even more about the band… you can read their biography or check out their website at www.killswitchengage.com.

Ill Nino Rearrange UK Dates

Posted on February 12, 2008

ALL CHANGE! Ill Nino rearrange dates! Due to scheduling problems, the Ill Nino tour dates have been rearranged. We hope to bring you a few words from the band themselves shortly. Ill Nino will now co-headline dates with Raging Speedhorn. The bands will alternate closing the show but Ill Nino will close in London. Tickets are on sale now for 퉌£11/퉌£12.50 London. If you had bought tickets for the previously announced dates, please contact the agent you bought from. Oct 5 – Camber Sands – Kerrang Weekender Oct 6 – Norwich – Waterfront Oct 7 – Sheffield – Leadmill Oct 26 – Brighton – Concorde 2 Oct 27 – Manchester – MDH Oct 28 – Newcastle – University Oct 29 – Glasgow – Garage Oct 30 – Wolverhampton – Wulfrun Hall Oct 31 – Exeter – University November 1 – London – Astoria

Stone Sour Album Released

Posted on February 12, 2008

HOW TO SAVE MONEY- New album available on CD for around 퉌£12.99 from the following stores: HMV – 퉌£2 off with ‘Download 2002’ discount card + free sampler CD. Virgin – 퉌£2 off with voucher in Rocksound (issue 21/8). Indies – Free Stone Sour Patch while stocks last at selected stores. Also, V.Shop, MVC, Sanity & Andys. U.S. PRESS RELEASE: New York, NY – Stone Sour has arrived. In it’s first week of sales, the band’s self-titled August 27th release debuted at #46 on Billboard’s Top 200 chart, scanning over 25,000 units. The Cleveland Scene declares, “Stone Sour has raised the stakes for everyone, bringing back genuine singing and riffs that could rip through concrete, and it’s refreshing as hell.” This week, the track “Bother” was the #1 Greatest Gainer at R&R Active Rock and the #3 Greatest Gainer at both R&R Alternative and Rock. In addition, it is the #2 Greatest Gainer at Monitor’s Mainstream and Active Rock. The current audience for the track is 19 million nationwide, and that number increases as the track climbs steadily on all rock formats. In addition to the band’s omnipresence on commercial radio, Stone Sour’s “Get Inside” is #1 at R&R’s metal specialty chart for the fifth week in a row. The track also hit #1 Album Network Metal and #3 at CMJ charts. “Get Inside” is a thrashy, angst-ridden piece at the opposite end of the rock spectrum from its melodic sibling “Bother”. On their upcoming headline tour, the band (comprised of vocalist Corey Taylor and guitarist James Root [both Slipknot members unmasked for the first time], drummer Joel Ekman, bassist Shawn Economaki, and guitarist Josh Rand) want their biggest fans front and center at the shows. In order to guarantee that, they are giving those fans the chance to buy tickets to the shows before the general public. [these are U.S. shows, not U.K.] Those that consider themselves hardcore enough to hang in the front row should go to roadrunnerrecords.com or stonesour.com for info on how to buy tickets early. The band’s video for “Bother” has been added to MTV2’s Rock Show rotation, with spins beginning next week. The video was recently filmed in Los Angeles, CA under the direction of Gregory Dark of Atlas Pictures who has filmed videos for such artists as Linkin Park, Staind, Limp Bizkit and Outkast. Filmed in complete darkness other than light tracers that illuminate dual, face-to-face images of Taylor (one as he is and one aging before our eyes), the video lays plain the eerie drama of the song and reminds us of our imminent mortality. Turn the radio up – you’re sure to discover the song “Bother”, which can be currently heard on over 150 radio stations across the country that are quickly discovering this unexpected and powerful side of Corey Taylor’s vocal repertoire. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS LAUNCHED: Available NOW to all those on our mailing list is an extra special exclusive audio interview with Joey Jordison all about himself and the Murderdolls via our members only listening lounge. Also available is an exclusive audio interview with Corey Taylor talking about himself and Stone Sour, and an exclusive audio interview with Clown from Slipknot: about himself, Slipknot, the DVD, and even a little on his friends & fellow Roadrunner band downthesun!

Free Cd and New Website

Posted on February 12, 2008

Get your mits on our free ‘New Shit Volume 5’ sampler CD featuring 2 unreleased tracks each of Stone Sour, Murderdolls, and downthesun here (http://www.roadrunnerrecords.co.uk/giveaways). You can now select the video for Get Inside on Kerrang TV – selection #874. While you’re surfing, be sure to check out the band’s new official site – www.stonesour.com Download new track Blotter & Get Inside here (http://www.roadrunnerrecords.co.uk/mp3.html). Album out August 26th and you can save 퉌£2 off at HMV with your Download 2002 discount card – which you can order free on this site. Did You Know? A little factoid direct from Joel… “Just so all of you know, on the new album (right before the song Blotter) there will be a recording of Shawn and I drunk. When we were in the studio in Cedar Falls, Shawn and I were up all night in our hotel room drinking, we were completely out of it. At about 7:15am Shawn turned to me and said, “LLLLets call Corey” I said aaaallllright!!! (Corey was still in Des Moines and he sleeps till one o’clock everyday) The message is on Corey’s actual cell phone! Everyone will be asking, “What the hell is that!”

So Wassup With Ill Nino?

Posted on February 12, 2008

Moving along, where do we find Ill Nino today? In Boston. Playing Ozzfest. BK, producer of the Ill Nino Limelight Package (see Downloads section), saw today’s show. “Ill Nino just killed it…just killed…they fuckin’ killed it,” enthused BK during a 45 second phone call after the band’s set. Rock. For those of you going to the US Ozzfest, be sure to check out Ill Nino’s set. And be sure to check out Ill Nino hangin’ at the FYE booth after their set…tell ’em Malibu Lou sent ya…tell Roger you are anxiously awaiting the next installment of Mr.Roger’s Return To The Hood. On another note, if at the Boston show today, you’ll notice that Laz (bass) was not present, that Jardel handled the bass duties, and that Ill Nino’s last song of the day was dedicated to Laz’s recently departed nephew. Our best wishes go out to Laz and his family. God bless.

New Video & Tracklisting Announced For Stone Sour

Posted on February 12, 2008

GET INSIDE VIDEO: So we told you before that the new Stone Sour video for ‘Get Inside’ is entirely live footage – filmed at the recent Stone Sour show in Los Angeles. We also told you that neither Corey or Jim wear their Slipknot masks in the video and that Josh plays the guitar solo. Not only that, that the video has been shot in black and white. It is now time to see the goods for yourself. Make sure you have the quicktime free plugin and watch the video for ‘Get Inside’ in the VIDEO section. Rock. Finalised tracklisting announced: ‘Stone Sour’ will include: Get Inside Orchids Cold Reader Blotter Choose Monolith Inhale Bother (performed solo by Corey Taylor) Blue Study Take A Number Idle Hands Tumult Omega Song ‘Inside A Cynic’ may be used as a future B-side. MORE MUSIC: Wanna ANOTHER new Stone Sour song? Sure ya do! Check out our Stone Sour e-card and check out new song ‘Orchids’ amongst other cool shit!

Mr Roger’s Return From The Hood

Posted on February 12, 2008

Mr. Roger’s Return To The Hood, indeed…words from Ill Nino percussionist Roger Vasquez whilst he is in town. And our latest installment goes like this: “What up my people, this is Roger, back again, with a new addition of Mr. Roger’s Return To The Hood. Now I know I’ve been out for a while, but we’re out there tryin’ to make the chedda. We’ve been to Japan and all over Europe, and I gotta tell ya, it’s definitely the shit and a crazy culture shock. Now I don’t mean to get off on a rant here, but driving in Europe is pretty on the proper side. I mean the drivers don’t sniff coke, don’t smoke crack, don’t drink…hell, they don’t even sniff glue…they just proper driving. No doubt. Definitely no rumble strip kings there. I remember being in Ireland one day kickin’ it with Slayer, the gods of metal. And then the next day, in Switzerland hangin’ out with Tool. And much like going to church and hangin’ out with the pope, you can’t go wrong. Did I mention the pope is a pot-head? Good times. Well, here goes the entertainment: Last day on the P.O.D. tour. It’s custom for the headlining band to fuck with the opening bands during the last show by making their lives impossible on stage. All I remember from the beginning to the end of our set was being pounded with ham, cheese, potato chips & salad. Oh, and all our stage water was emptied and filled with vodka. I remember finishing a song, grabbin’ a bottle of water, and much like Bob Marley toking on the ganga, I took a big hearty swig…then realizing it was vodka. I look behind me and the P.O.D. guys are on the floor laughing. After the beatdown on stage, we all go back to our bus and find a little surprise – a bag of live crickets in our back lounge, just like somthin’ straight outta that Bronx Zoo. It was crazy funny, but a crazy clean up at the end. But you know what, Ill Nino has a sense of humor…and payback will be a bitch. Well, at the moment we’re getting ready to break out on Ozzfest. I really can’t wait to hook up with all our friends again such as Drowning Pool, P.O.D., Hatebreed, etc…it’s definitely going to make this tour the shit. So definitely keep in tune, cuz I’m definitely gonna keep you all informed on the knowledge. See ya at Ozzfest. OZZFEST, BABY!!!”


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