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Alive Or Just Breathing?

Posted on February 12, 2008

OUT NOW : The f*cking amazing album from Killswitch Engage is available from HMV (퉌£2 off with Download 2002 discount card available here), Virgin (퉌£2 off with voucher in Kerrang! 15/5), V Shop, MVC, Sanity, Our Price, and all good indies (퉌£10.99 from selected stores, click here for list). Don’t believe us how great it is? Read reviews (inc a 5K in Kerrang) for yourself here. Without further ado, the tracklisting of this almighty beast is: Numbered Days Self Revolution Fixation On The Darkness My Last Serenade Life To Lifeless Just Barely Breathing To The Sons Of Men Temple From The Within Element Of One Vide Intra Without A Name Rise Inside

Killswitch Engage – Jesse Or No Jesse?

Posted on February 12, 2008

4/7/02: The following quotes are taken from an interview with Mike D’Antonio, and you will be able to read the interview in full here over the coming days. There has been a lot of speculation as to the departure of vocalist Jesse Leach. What appears to be the most logical story, is that he has strained his vocal chords, as many singers of this caliber do, and needs to take some time off to allow them to heal, and receive some coaching in order to stop this from happening in the future. Is this the case, or is there more to the story? í¢ä‰åñNo, it’s not the case,í¢ä‰åŒ says the bass player initially. í¢ä‰åñWell it’s half the case. He strained his voice and he did it touring, and he has done it previously. He had sought out vocal coaches to kinda rectify the situation, but what it meant for him was no more drinking, no more smoking, no more hanging out in clubs, because he was allergic to smoke. Basically, his life on tour consisted of staying in the van the whole time which kind of drove him stir crazy,í¢ä‰åŒ he continues. í¢ä‰åñTowards the end of the tour he was bugging out because he couldn’t deal with being in the van. And he had just gotten married, and his wife was missing him, and he was missing his wife, and there were complications with his home life, and all these other things. We received an email stating that he had quit the band and that was pretty much it. After three years of hanging out with the dude, and considering him a brother, to just get an email was a little bit harsh. So immediately we just started trying out new singers, and we found a guy named Howard Jones from a band called Blood Has Been Shed, and he’s an exceptional vocalist. Really psyched to be touring, really excited about the whole thing. He has a great attitude about everything.í¢ä‰åŒ So in other words, Killswitch Engage fans have nothing to be concerned about. It’s business as usual. í¢ä‰åñIt’s gonna be even better,í¢ä‰åŒ Mike replies. í¢ä‰åñHe can hit any range, and he has a voice like I’ve never heard. He just completely blew us away. We had about 10-12 different people trying out, and no one was really cutting it. We had a couple of people come back for a second try, and then I got the call about Howard wanting to try out. I knew about Howard from previous bands, and I always considered him one of the best singers I had ever heard in my entire life, and for him to want to do it, I almost shit my pants. I really just couldn’t believe it. I got off the phone, and said, that’s him! That’s the guy!í¢ä‰åŒ And there you have it, straight from the ‘orses mouth. 18/6/02: If this sounds a bit proper, that’s because it is…the following is an official press release regarding Killswitch Engage vocalist Jesse Leach and the band’s upcoming U.S. tour with Kittie. Due to personal issues and vocal strain, Killswitch Engage vocalist Jesse Leach has announced that he is taking a break from the band’s current tour featuring Kittie, Poison the Well and Shadows Fall. The band is in the midst of vocal rehearsals in order to carry on the tour without Leach, but anticipate his return in the future. In regards to the tour, Leach issued the following statement: “Due to personal circumstances out of my control, I will not be able to hit the road with Killswitch Engage on our upcoming tour run. I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to Roadrunner Records, and more importantly, to our fans. We are currently training another vocalist to do the tour and to carry the torch until I am well. My apologies to everyone, but I have to do what needs to be done.” Killswitch Engage’s Roadrunner Records debut Alive or Just Breathing was released on May 20th, sporting a #1 single, “My Last Serenade,” at US metal radio. The band recently finished up a series of tour dates with Soilwork in support of the album and will kick off the Kittie US tour on July 9th in Sauget, IL. From The Mouth Of Mike: Grabbed a few words with Mike D’Antonio early this evening, and here’s what he had to say on all the internet rumours: “Tell everyone to sit tight… things will work themselves out, the band is as commited as ever… we have tried some peeps out, we are still getting people to come down.” Anything else you wanna add? “We cant wait to get to the UK!” 17/6/02: Picked up Kerrang! lately? Make sure you check out the 8th June issue if you haven’t already… it has a rather nice 3 page feature on Killswitch Engage. 11/6/02: http://www.lambgoat.com/ Check it out… a nice feature interview with the band.

Life On The Road For Killswitch Engage

Posted on February 12, 2008

6/6/02: 11am in London… 3am somewhere in California… Mike D’Antonio logs onto AOL Instant Messenger and says hi. The band have just checked into a hotel for the remainder of the night, on the road touring the US with Soilwork, Scar Culture, and Hypocrisy. Mike is in mourning. “Everything is going great except I broke my beloved bass in Texas, I smashed it on a pole that was in the middle of the stage… I was depressed… but the bar tenders in Austin took care of me.. fed me beer cause I was so sad.. they were good to me.” Now playing with a new Ibanez, Mike says he’s doing ok: “took some getting used too, not having my “baby”, but I am better. I had it 7 years… it was like my wife!” What else? I break the good news to Mike that the video for My Last Serenade has gone into the Kerrang! TV chart at #8: “wow… killer!” If you haven’t caught it yet you can request it on K! TV as selection #834. Call 09067 533433. Last night (June 4), Killswitch Engage played their first LA show ever, and due to massive bus troubles in the Hypocrisy and Soilwork camps, KsE ended up headlining the night. The crowd, “a pretty diverse mix,” tells Roadrunner’s US street team leader Ro Kohli. “There were straight up gutter punks with huge spiked mohawks, crazed Mexican death metal heads, the usual crop of metal kids that go to every metal show in LA, as well as a fair amount of scenesters.” Outside of fuckin’ rockin’, vocalist Jesse spent the time between songs recounting his celebrity citings from the day leading up to the show…#1 on the list, Motorhead’s Lemmy walking towards the Rainbow during lunchtime… Word from our LA peeps is that KsE’s show of metal received a huge reception. Tonight, the band hits Corona, CA. “I’m hoping it’s gonna be an off the wall metal blitzkrieg!” exclaims Ro. “The metal heads there are way more insane than the LA variety.” Rock. For pictures from last night’s show, check out Killswitch Engage’s PHOTO GALLERY. Where to start…hmmm, as this is being written, the Killswitch Engage tour machine is driving down Interstate 10 in Arizona, en route to Los Angeles for a show at the Key Club tomorrow night (June 4). “Nothing out here,” tells guitarist Adam Dutkiewicz. “Kinda like Star Wars. Some big cacti.” However, we can tell you where there is something, Birmingham, AL. After a show last week at The Boiler Room, the band walked out to the parking lot to find a barn yard animal. Tells Adam, “weirdest fuckin’ thing in the world, we walk out of the club, and there is a pig’s head with a cigarette in its mouth.” Don’t believe us? We have picture to prove. What else has the band encountered amongst their road travels? At a rest stop, somewhere on the edge of (don’t mess with) Texas, an ostrich. “I was ready to ride that son of a bitch,” enthuses Adam. Now that would have been a picture. note: to all you kids out there, ostriches are mean, nasty bastards. Keep away. Speaking of (don’t mess with) Texas, Soilwork’s drummer got Tom (KsE drummer) to drink a 1/4 bottle of hot sauce. Apparently it was some hot shit, too. Tom did win $10 by accomplishing this feat. Rock. And last, recently the most esteemed Andy Sneap, the man whom mixed KsE’s Alive Or Just Breathing, told the following: “The KILLSWITCH ENGAGE album went well, both myself and Adam managed to destroy the nerves of Roadrunner A&R guy Mike Gitter in the process. A daily wager was held on how many times (Mike) would call, this saw [KILLSWITCH ENGAGE guitarist] Adam [Dutkiewicz] winning the princely sum of 퉌£15 by the time Mike actually arrived at the studio. Still, he got the curries so everyone was happy. Everyone seems to love the album, with Kerrang! giving it 5 Ks.” Mike, however, downplays the scenario, claiming to have only called once a day, every day. “Mr. Sneap received one phone call a day,” affirms Mike. “Anyone interested in contesting my character versus his need only look at publicity pictures from his old band of forest dwelling metallers, Sabbat. Men in tights, indeed!” Yes, all is true, and all is in good humour too. And I do believe that everyone is very happy with how the album turned out. Fuckin’ killer, indeed. Adam, Andy, Mike, cheers.

Can Killswitch Cut It Live?

Posted on February 12, 2008

Killswitch Engage has been confirmed for the upcoming Kittie US tour. The tour is to start around July 8th and will go through mid to late August. Our boys in Killswitch Engage will play 2nd on the bill, which is 5 acts in total. Hotwire open, Poison the Well is to play directly prior to Kittie, and Shadows Fall will play directly prior to Poison The Well. Confirmed dates + routing coming very soon. Yes, we wish we lived that side of the ocean too. So, the album is awesome, but what about the live show? The following words come from the lovely Noemi Soto, and the equally rockin’ Yelena Boroda, both part of the RR US Roadcrew, who recently checked out not 1 but 2 KsE shows in New York & New Jersey… in the same weekend. Hardcore. “Since Killswitch Engage have managed to put out one of the most amazing albums of the year (yes we realize the year is only half way through) we were really psyched about seeing them at the much anticipated New England Metal fest. Sadly to say, seeing them live was like listening to the cd really loud and staring at a picture of the band. Yes folks it was THAT energetic. Sound- thumbs up, visuals – boo. So as this weekend’s two shows approached, we cannot say that we were happy little campers. What we actually got this weekend in NYC and NJ completely blew our minds. As they started their first song, what was once just a still picture has now come to life (where they got this burst of energy we don’t know, perhaps giving our two cents to their A&R guy Gitter, AKA dinner for those at the Brooklyn show, helped). From the first song to the last there was nothing but pure energy being exchanged from crowd to band and vice versa. Looking at the endless pit, there was no denying that this was an amazing show. Being that we are both children of the eighties we definitely appreciated a guitar solo of the Super Mario Brothers theme thrown in, in between songs! Which served as the background music for a certain NYC Roadrunner Teamer AKA Julia Sutowski screaming out to Jesse to “take it all off”, to which he replied “I don’t think my wife would appreciate that!!” Though despite his previous statement at the NY show, he lost his shirt at the NJ show (sadly the NY teamer Julia Sutowski was not there to witness it). So if you are lucky enough to go see them please walk up to them and say hello, for they are amazing guys who appreciate their fans. Sorry if you thought this review was too honest, we can’t help it, we’re from Brooklyn.” Yelena and Noemi Thanks for the time and the lines gals… glad you had a kickass time… twice. Expect to see the Killswitch Engage dudes in the UK before the year is out!

Watch The New Killswitch Engage Video

Posted on February 12, 2008

My Last Serenade: check out the must-be-seen awesome new promo video for My Last Serenade! Click HERE for a Real Media stream. Oh, and for the first time ever on our site, we also give you the video in a streaming QuickTime format. Looks like television, sounds like the stereo – a true experience. We shit you not. To view, you just have to MAKE SURE YOU HAVE QuickTime 5 (the FREE VERSION will do just fine) on your computer machine and then click HERE! . You can also request it on Kerrang! TV – selection no 834. For KTV requests, call 09067 533433. And a new website… While you’re online, make sure you visit the brand new Killswitch Engage official website at www.killswitchengage.com The Queen’s Jubilee Is Coming… God Save Kerrang! Yes, get your mits on this week’s (15/5) issue of Kerrang! magazine. Page 52. Killswitch Engage KKKKK perfect score album review. So you can read it and weep with ease, here is the review in all it’s awesomeness. Once you’re done reading, go buy the issue and turn to page 55 for a 퉌£2 off the album at Virgin discount voucher (and a nice lil feature on Ill Nino). You can read more reviews for KSE in our press room. GET WEBBED! Download yourself some very cool desktop wallpaper designed exclusively for Roadrunner UK by Mike D’Antonio, KsE bassist. Thanks going out to Mike… the desktops in this office now look very cool indeed… And if you use AOL Instant Messenger, just click here to download yourself a special KsE buddy icon. Want more? Check out this fabulous KsE E-Card complete with song samples, biography, and more! Watch this space… more KsE coolness coming soon……. WATCH VIDEO! The band are currently touring the US with Soilwork, Hypocrisy and Scar Culture right up into June! However, we have a little something to share with you in case you can’t catch those shows. Check out this very cool promo LIVE video for Life To Lifeless shot at the Palladium in sunny Worcester, MA at the US New England Metalfest on April 5, 2002. “Life To Lifeless” gives you a real sense of the energy in the room as Killswitch Engage tore the place apart. Captured by the man behind last years Hellfest DVD in a room packed with 4,000 seething metal fans, this is worth the watch. Weather heads towards late(r) Autumn…there is a chill in the air – it’s cold, Aussie cold. 17-18 degrees Celsius. There is a priest, or at least a man dressed as a priest. He is set to deliver a eulogy. The setting is a bluestone chapel. Inside, a man sitting at the organ is solemnly playing “Nookie”. Outside is a graveyard. There is a freshly dug grave with a casket next to it. People are throwing in baggy shorts, a seven string guitar, a turntable, a tracksuit, and the like. Killswitch Engage’s Alive Or Just Breathing is filling this cold night’s air. What the hell are we talking about??? Actually, what we just described is going on in Australia this weekend, a burial showing a changing of the times. Metal is back, my friends. Look it straight in the face and let it kick you right in the ass. Snarl, then smile. Roadrunner Australia, being the clever ‘punters’ they are, organized the above event in honor of Killswitch Engage and their upcoming album. It’s true. Invites were sent out, people loaded onto buses, buses which rode them asses to the funeral site of the ‘yo-yo’ style of rock…if ya know what we mean. And the people, they shall welcome the sounds they hear outside in the graveyard. For it is metal. And it has been missed. Food and drinks are served. Midgets, goats, and strippers were to be at the wake afterwards…but somewhere along the way that idea got nixed. Metal is back, my friends. Smile.

Lyrically Yours – Understanding KsE

Posted on February 12, 2008

Curious about the songs? What follows below are a few words on each song from Jesse, the singer of KsE. Numbered Days Numbered Days is about the system of Babylon, and how the time will be coming soon for them to tumble and fall. I really believe the time is approaching swiftly. Self Revolution Self Revolution is exactly what it says. It’s time to make a change within yourself, and that’s up to the individual. Fixation On The Darkness Fixation on the Darkness to me is really about what the title says. It’s really just looking inside yourself, we all have that darkness, and we all have the light, and just finding the balance between those two things. But for that particular song, I’m really looking at the dark side of things and that change can be made, and there are ways to overcome your situation and your problems, and the dark side of your soul. My Last Serenade My Last Serenade has a lot of meanings for me. It’s really about burning bridges. There comes a time when you have to leave people behind and just let them know that you care and there’s only so much love you can give somebody until they drag you down with them. Life To Lifeless Life To Lifeless was my way of dealing with September 11th, and there are really no words for it, so I just leaned on the old philosophy: we live, we die, some people live to live some more. Life continues and if it doesn’t continue, there is an afterlife, I firmly believe that. So things happen for a reason. Just Barely Breathing Just Barely Breathing is really my question to people. They need to look into themselves and ask themselves are they really alive? Are they really living life to the fullest? Or are they just getting by? And if so, if you’re not happy, you need to make a change, make a difference in this world. To the Sons of Man To the Sons of Man is a direct song to the people, and really the lyrics speak for themselves. Temple from Within Temple from Within is my ode to spirituality and the way that I feel towards life. Times when I feel I can’t keep pushing, I find a way and I know it’s not me, it’s another force so that’s me paying my respects. The Element of One The Element of One is also an ode to my wife, the love she has given me and the love I have experienced from family members, and being torn away from them, in a touring situation, being away from home. I wrote that song to deal with being away from home, away from the people that I love and having to be on the road. Vide Infra Vide Infra is the good old unity song. It speaks about how there is no one who is better than another person, and we should all have the chance for equality and just overall to embrace love and respect for your fellow man. Without a Name Without a Name is just an instrumental song. It contains very emotional riffs. You listen to it and it can conjure up different things for different people. It’s a very emotional piece of music. Rise Inside Rise Inside is really the Killswitch Engage Anthem. It tells people that no matter who you are in your life, I’m here for a reason and I’m doing the best I can to do that. We really need to embrace love and not forsake each other as human beings and realize that we are all one deep down inside. Believe it or not, I’m willing to stand up and speak my mind and tell them how I feel about things.

The Last Serenade of KsE

Posted on February 12, 2008

So, hot off the email. Words from Mike of Killswitch Engage all about the video shoot for ‘My Last Seranade’.. Without further ado… read on: “Just got back from LA. Wow what an experience making the “MY LAST SERENADE” video was. Truly an amazing time was had by all in KsE – from the catering to the directing, everyone was extremely nice to us and made us feel right at home. Here was our brutal schedule: Fly in to LA from Boston (6.5 hour flight) at 9pm (12pm Mass time) Wednesday night, Got to the shoot at 5:30am Thursday morning, shot till 5PM, Grabbed a flight from LA to Boston (4.5 hours) arrive in Boston Friday morning at 6:30 AM…. and now I am at work putting in a full time day (what a life, who needs sleep?) Paul the director was great… totally cool, made us feel comfortable and had awesome ideas for the shoot (Paul is a graphic designer/photographer/video director… he does it all, actually he is Marilyn Manson’s personal graphic designer… he does some incredible shit). His positive attitude and enthusiasm for the video was second to none. All credit goes to him and his fine crew. The video consisted mostly of us on a circular red stage doing a live performance with crazy florescent red lights all around us. Also included was some footage of an actress (Tracy) that was filmed for an intro and outro for the song, but we did the bulk of the work. Paul and crew shot everything in every way shape and form possible. Some of the hardest stuff to get the hang of was doing the slow motion (which is actually sped up) sequences and fast motion (which is slowed down) sequences. I gotta tell ya, it was a total work out, just like high school gym class except ALL DAY…. we must have played the song 100 times. We were all sleep deprived, covered in sweat, and exhausted from the heat of the lamps and yet we had the time of our lives. Guaranteed we will remember the experience forever! Special thanks to Paul Brown (director), Melissa (producer), Tracy (the hot chick in the video) and Lea (stylist). Everyone ruled.” Mike also let it be known that Duff of Guns ‘n’ Roses dropped by, as you do… The band is currently shooting their debut video – “My Last Serenade” – a track from the forthcoming Alive Or Just Breathing (May 20 street date). Collectively, they flew from Boston to LA last night (24th). After a stopping off at various LA hot spots, such as Taco Bell (see tomorrow’s interview with Adam), the band was fitted for some threads. As this is being written, the band is finishing up the ‘shoot’ part of the video. At the moment, performing live performance footage – word is the music is being played at 1/4 speed, so it looks real slow motion like…dig? The video, being shot in Culver City, will call it a wrap shortly. Then, the band takes the red eye back to Boston. Paul Brown, the man behind Coal Chamber’s “Fiend” video, is heading this effort.

An Interview with Jesse, Killswitch Engage

Posted on February 12, 2008

Onward and Upward. These are exciting times for Killswitch Engage – in less than one month’s time their Roadrunner debut Alive Or Just Breathing will be released, in even less time than that, the band heads out on their first ever national U.S. tour, and in even less time than that, KsE will shoot their first ever video. KsE vocalist, Jesse David Leach, happened to be in the Roadrunner NY office on Apr 23rd taking care some things. Gracious as always, he sat down to answer a few questions for us – ranging whatever the hell you can think of right now, to whatever the hell you can think of right now…and it goes a bit like this: Roadrunner: First off, congratulations. I understand you recently got married…or is that not for public knowledge? Jesse David Leach: Best day of my life. I’ll proclaim it from the rooftop, let the groupies know before they start forming! Thank you. Yes, married this past Saturday (20th) in Rhode Island. Pictures coming to the Killswitch Engage website soon. RR: Congratulations on the marriage once again. So, earlier this month, you guys were forced to withdraw from playing a couple shows with Candiria due to your throat. How is it? Jesse: Up in the air right now. I’ve seen a couple specialists about it, one earlier this afternoon. (for the record, let it be known that Jesse hit up a doc on the West Side of Manhattan…apparently the same dude that Lenny Kravitz and James Taylor have visited – platinum plaques for their albums hang on Dr. K’s office walls) RR: How did this throat situation happen? You sound just fine, how did you know you had a problem? Jesse: Well, when I get off the stage I tend to talk a lot…actually, I’m just not a touring guy yet. I’m used to playing weekends and working on the weekdays. RR: Dude, makes perfect sense. Most recently, Daniel (singer of Five Pointe O) had a similar problem when hitting the road extensively for the first time. You’ll adjust. How did you realize you had a problem? Jesse: Realized it when the low end of my screaming wasn’t there. I know my body well enough to know when something wasn’t right. RR: You ready to start touring now, ya think? Jesse: God willing…we shall see. April 12th was my last time singing. I actually had to do a full week of no talking, no nothing – walking around like an idiot with a pen and pad. The week before my wedding, too…having to buy liquor, make arrangements. I suffer for my art (laughingly). RR: Alice In Chains, you a fan? Jesse: Absolutely. I grew up listening to them. RR: Your first national tour is but a couple weeks away. Jesse: Absolutely. We’ve done week long tours here and there, but for the most part I’m a weekend warrior, working 9 to 5 on the weekdays. RR: What will you pack? Jesse: Mostly stuff to take care of my voice – teas, herbal remedies, anything to help the voice out. Cliff bars, Luna bars, and vitamin supplements…it’s hard to find vegan food out there. (for the record, yes, Jesse is pure vegan…as is vegan Sean in the RR art dept. – we affectionately refer to Sean as ‘Porkchop’) Tom (drums) & Mike (bass) are vegetarian. Joel (guitar) and Adam (guitar) are ‘other’, they’ll pretty much eat anything around. BUT, nobody is preaching. Nobody likes that. RR: And as for clothes? Jesse: I wear the same pair of pants everyday, so it doesn’t really matter. Not a big clothing guy. RR: And the music you’ll pack? Jesse: Top of the list would be Bruce Cockburn (it’s French), Paul Simon… RR: Paul Simon, really? Jesse: Oh yeah. Also Radiohead, The Verve, any kind of reggae I can fit into my bag – my main thing, love reggae – and of course Dead Can Dance Spirit Chaser, one of my favorite albums. Listen to that every day, can’t get sick of it…just amazing. And Colony from In Flames, love it. RR: Yeah, then why don’t you marry it? Ha! Actually, that’s a pretty wide variety. Jesse: I love reggae, classic rock, and folk. I was raised on classic rock. Got into hardcore at fifteen when I heard Minor Threat. Just wanted to hear heavier and heavier after that…I was hooked. I love performing it (hardcore). RR: Last cd you purchased? Jesse: Opeth Black Water Park. Hands down one of my favorite metal albums of all time. RR: Last cd you burned? Jesse: Never burned a cd in my life – always give respect to the artists. Never owned a computer, either (laughs). Eventually I’ll get there…a little behind. RR: First ever Killswitch Engage video will be shot this week, for the song “My Last Serenade”. How do you feel about that? Jesse: Yeah, the 25th, this Thursday. Don’t know how I feel about it. Not looking forward to lip synching. We fly out to LA on Thursday morning and fly back early Friday morning. A full day. It’s gonna be one big, long day. Should be interesting to see how the video turns out. RR: Surely it will be great. By the way, you have some previous acting experience, in the 1999 film “Outside Providence”. A pretty sizeable role, no less. How did that come to be? Jesse: My uncle directed it. But it was by no means a ‘family sliding’ thing, he was hard on me. No free rides – he won’t allow it, and I won’t have it. RR: And your character? Name? Personality? Jesse: Decenz. He was one of the neighborhood guys, a good ole boy from Pawtucket, RI – a blue collar town. A big stoner, drinker – partying and rock & roll… RR: And May 21st, Alive Or Just Breathing hits the streets, any closing words on the work? Favorite song? Jesse: The whole thing was an emotional roller coaster. Toughest thing musically, best work to date. It’s a work in honesty – all of us, it’s us. As for favorite song, it’s all one big song to me. All important for what they are. AND THIS concludes our interview with KsE vocalist Jesse David Leach. Thank you, Jesse. …for a sneak peek of what is to come, check out www.AliveOrJustBreathing.com… Exciting times for Killswitch Engage, indeed…

Killswitch On The Big Screen

Posted on February 12, 2008

And because Marketing Matt missed it the first time we wrote this on the site, we shall repeat it once again – KsE singer Jesse Leach has a sizeable acting role in the film “Outside Providence”, which was written by “Something About Mary” directors, the Farrelly Brothers. His character is perpetually stoned throughout the movie. And why did Matt happen to bring that fact up today? He was looking for someone to direct the upcoming KsE video for the track “My Last Serenade” – yes, a video is in the works. Matt figured ‘why not the Farrelly Brothers?’ See, he mistakenly thought they were the uncles of Jesse. Not true. Besides, the Farrelly Brothers are busy on another project. Expect a KsE video in house sometime in early May.

KsE At The Metal Fest

Posted on February 12, 2008

This past weekend, in the booming metropolis that is Worcester, MA., over 4000 metal and hardcore fans congregated at the Palladium for a weekend of fucking loud music. Starting Friday (Apr 5th) @ 3pm, people packed in to see over 50 bands play on 2 stages during the course of the next 48 hours. Though only one Roadrunner act played the festival – Killswitch Engage. (1) For the third year running, Killswitch Engage played the festival – for the first time, they played the main stage. Friday night at 8:30pm, it all started for KsE. Like something out of an old NYC Biohazard show during the Urban Discipline era, the sides of the stage were packed – filled with the likes of Shadows Fall & Poison The Well, among other acts, and friends. Interesting fact: though one could not tell, vocalist Jesse, whom had been sick for a couple days before the show, actually puked on the side of the stage during the set. Rock. Pictures from the Killswitch Engage set can be found online at www.ReturnToThePit.com. Next up for KsE, hitting the road with Candiria in the US, and yours truly will be checking that tour out on Sunday 14th April in S Amboy, New Jersey – live photos to come….oh, and a great lil’ fuckin’ album by the name of Alive Or Just Breathing in stores starting May 20th. (2) Overcast. KsE bassist Mike D hit the stage with his previous band, Overcast. Mike, apparently wearing a big, shit eatin’ grin on his face during this one night reunion set, played with ex-Overcast alumni Brian (current Shadows Fall vocalist) and Pete, whom originally played guitar for KsE.


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