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Something More For Sinch

Posted on February 12, 2008

It’s time to feature the debut video from Sinch, “Something More”. Shot May 5th in Los Angeles, please make your way to our Video section for the goods. In other Sinch news, the band is in full swing on the road in the USA, currently touring with Epidemic – Seether will be joining the bill come the 18th. So what’s life like on the road for Sinch right now? Let’s look into their breakfast situation earlier this morning, as detailed by Jay Smith: “Well we didn’t technically have breakfast. We went to a caf퀌© called the Grateful Bean. We each had a smoothie and a cherry coke, except for Rick Dees (Ripper, their tour manager), he had a falling out with his father who was the inventor of the cherry flavor in the cherry coke, so he had a regular coke. “During our soda pop breakfast there was a woman playing 80’s rock on the piano, I think she was blind, but she was playing it so they all sounded like ragtime blues. Mike (bass) got up and sang ‘Look What The Cat Dragged In’ by Poison in a kind of blues/lounge feel, it was amazing. I think he even made $3.50 in tips. Tomorrow we are off to Amarillo, but Jamie (vocals) still thinks we are in Kansas?” True? You make the call… Time for you to check out another new Sinch track. Just uploaded a real audio stream of track ‘Something More’ for your listening pleasure. Check it out.

Rival Schools For Sinch?

Posted on February 12, 2008

Rival Schools. Did you know? Walter from Rival Schools is credited with “pre-production and arrangements” on the forthcoming Sinch record. How so? A&R dude Paul Conroy spills the beans… “Basically, Walter fell in love with the band’s demos and wanted to get involved with the project in any way possible. For about month Walter worked with the bands on developing their songs. Each Monday for a month, Walter would take train from New York to the band’s home town of Doylestown, PA where he would spend the week with the band in their garage working on material for the album. Walter lived with the singer during the visit. Walter did not write any songs on the record but he did help the band develop their own song-writing ideas very similar to what a producer would do. Walter was a big help to the band. The band and Walter have remained very close friends.”

The Making Of The Sinch Record

Posted on February 12, 2008

Yesterday (May 28th), at precisely 3:16pm, Sinch finished their first post-Memorial Day practice of 2002. After a weekend away, it is back on the horse. Speaking of the weekend, this past weekend Dan (drums) and Tony (guitar) spent Sunday night on the WYSP airwaves…that’s 94.1 on the FM radio dial in the streets of Philadelphia. They were on the station’s weekly ‘Exposed’ show – Dan and Tony answered a few questions, and three songs from their upcoming release were played: “433”, “Bitmap”, and “Something More”. Speaking of songs from their upcoming album, click into MUSIC for an MP3 download of the song “Seven”…which, coincidentally enough, happens to be track #7 on their cd. We shit you not. What else…final touches are currently being done on the video for “Something More”. Should be fully complete within’ the first week or two of June. What else…but of course, debut self titled release in stores July 29th. Be sure to check out the brand new band biography now up! Down in Austin, located in the state of Texas, there is a yearly music conference known as SXSW. Previously we wrote that Five Pointe O would be making an appearance at SXSW on March 15 with Mushroomhead and Lamb Of God, another show during their upcoming tour. Well, now two other new Roadrunner acts will be making an appearance as well… Anyone and Sinch will now be playing SXSW together on Mar 16. Texas, get ready. Most likely Anyone (coming to SXSW from Cali after their upcoming US run with Lennon) will be playing a couple shows amongst their travels to Austin. Sinch, the same holds true. Going to Austin from the streets of Philadelphia, will most likely make a mini-week long tour along the way. Keep checking back for details. The very first song of 2002 that was put up on this site was Sinch’s “Tabula Rasa”. So, have you listened to it yet? An MP3 of the track is still sitting pretty in our music section. Sinch. “Tabula Rasa”. If you remember, back when we first put this track on the site, we added a very very random side note…saying the words “Tabula Rasa” are actually Latin. AND, like most all Latin words, they are the base for our English language. Can you guess what “Tablula Rasa” means? In the English language, the word ‘table’ came from the Latin ‘tabula’, and ‘raze’ (meaning to erase or demolish) comes from the Latin ‘raza’. Put them together and “Tabula Rasa” translates to “blank slate” or “clean slate”. Well, as promised, we have a couple words from the band on our Latin lesson. When we asked if any of the above was correct, Sinch drummer Dan wrote the following: Yeah…”clean slate” or “blank slate” is right. More specifically: 1-a. The mind before it receives the impressions gained from experience. b. The unformed, featureless mind in the philosophy of John Locke. 2. A need or an opportunity to start from the beginning. Hmmmm…you learn something new every day. So, it is no secret that over the past few months Sinch was holed away down in southern USA recording their self titled Roadrunner debut. It is also no secret that for all intents and purposes, the full recording process for this release is now complete (there is one last song that has yet to be fully mastered, that should be done on Jan 18). So, where’s the music? The first piece of new music we throw out to you for the year 2002 is a piece from Sinch. In what will be track #3 on their upcoming debut, the song is called “Tabula Rasa”. A song which our US new media and resident hardcore guy Carl describes as “fuckin amazing”). Tis Time. Download the MP3 of Sinch’s “Tabula Rasa” from the MUSIC page. The band’s debut album is called ‘Sinch’. Sinch has currently finished re-mixing their single with JJ Puig (Green Day, No Doubt, Stereo Mud, Static X). The name of the radio single is “Something More”. It should hit the US airwaves early in 2002. Sinch will be mastering their CD in the next couple of weeks, as well. Look for Sinch to hit the road in the US in February. On Nov 27, our creative director at Roadrunner US traveled down to the streets of Philadelphia to reside over the virgin Sinch photoshoot…and by the looks of it, since their A&R Rep is not in today, one would be led to think he is down in the streets of Philadephia for the shoot as well. Yes, Sinch’s first photoshoot for Roadrunner is happening, somewhere in the streets of Philadelphia. Reminder – recording and mixing for the Sinch debut is complete. We last heard from Paul when he was in Nashville, Tennessee at the Groove Room for the mixing of Sinch’s debut. In his company was the band and the man heading the mix sessions, Charlie ‘the Rocco’ Brocco. As that was written (Oct 12), they were working on the mix for “The Silent Acquiescence Of Millions”, which is sounding head and shoulders more killer than the previous version going around. Seven songs had been mixed in total, and all were due to be completed by Oct 15. Earlier it was written that Sinch is “ass deep in the recording of their Roadrunner debut.” It was also written that “both their manager and A&R Rep here are apparently flipping out over what they are hearing.”. And of course, “more detail to come later this week” was written too. Well, all the above still stands true, and here is the “more detail” we promised you earlier: – ALL basic tracking has been completed on this project. In fact, it was finished up Sep 20th- All that is left is 5-6 days of doing some overdubs & extra vocals. – 11 songs have been recorded in total thus far. Word is that there is a 12th floating around, but it has yet to be decided if that track will or will not be recorded. – As told previously by The Production Gospel According to Dave, and confirmed by Sinch’s manager, Sinch should be completely finished recording AND mixing come the first few days in October. The plan is to start mixing by the 27th at the latest, and be finished by October 5th. At such point in time, the band will make the drive back to sweet home Philadelphia, where it will be rehearsals…and keep your eye out for some regional shows. One last thing to keep your eye out for – a self produced video from the band. In plain English, Sinch’s drummer Dan tells “we are currently in Nashville, TN recording an album for Roadrunner Records. Malcolm Springer is the producer. Right now we are recording all the basic tracks at The Rock (Malcolm’s studio) and we’ll be moving over to another studio to mix sometime next month.” Well, their A&R Rep here at Roadrunner, Paul Conroy, traveled down to Nashville last week to hear and see what was going on. His findings are as follows: “I heard a chunk of the record and it is mind blowing. This is some revolutionary melodic shit, unlike anything I have ever heard. It is going to freak some people out. Some interesting tidbits I have learned about Sinch – 1) Jamie, the singer, while in Nashville is honing his skills at basketball and Madden 2002 Playstation 2 football. 2) Mike, the bass guitarist, has become a proficient Ping Pong Player. 3) Tony, the guitarist, cannot handle his beer. 4) Dan, the drummer, has been renamed “Olie” by the producer.” As for where the name “Olie” came from, that seems to be a mystery… On Aug 20th Sinch started the recording of their yet to be titled Roadrunner debut in the hometown of Hank Williams – Nashville, TN, USA- in the studio of their producer Malcolm Springer, a place called The Rock. They spent the first couple days getting their sound together and getting everything set up for which will be the building blocks of their next month plus in the studio with Malcolm. Remember the concept of ‘pre-production’ that we always write about? (‘pre-production’ meaning the time the band spends with the producer rehearsing and getting on the same page, before actual recording starts – usually two weeks time) Well, seems for this project, ‘pre-production’ has been thrown out the window, as the band has already started recording during their first week with Malcolm. Word is, if everything is ‘vibing and sounding good’, they track it. Instead of going through a week or two of ‘pre-prod’, if the energy is there and the feeling is right, record it. Expect to see a self produced video for the song “Tabula Rasa” here on the site in the coming weeks, a video done entirely by Sinch’s guitarist Tony Lannutti. Just one more piece of info – throughout this recording process Sinch and Malcolm will be working 7 days/week, 12 hours a day (usually from noon to midnight)… As of August 28th, here’s a studio update direct from the band: Ok… since our last update, we have gotten a lot done. We recorded the drum tracks for 5 songs: 433, Tabula Rasa, Die in Fall, Plasma and an untitled new song. We have a few of those (untitled songs) so this could eventually get a little confusing. But I think we’re OK for now. All the basic guitar tracks are complete for 433 and Die in Fall. Bass tracks are done on 433 and Die in Fall is being recorded right now. By the end of this week we should have all the basic tracks done on those first 5 songs and we’ll be recording more drums. This is the first time we’ve recorded like this, but it seems to be working really well. Everyone does their thing for a few days and then they get a break, so no one gets burned out recording 10 songs in a row or whatever. I have to say, so far everything sounds amazing. Malcolm (the producer) has brought in a lot of really cool ideas for our songs. Not so much with new parts or melodies or anything, but more just with arrangement ideas. I think everything is coming together really well. I don’t want to bore you with every little detail of what goes on in the studio, but if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Click here to email us your questions. Aside from the recording there hasn’t been too much else going on. We’ve been playing a lot of SSX Snowboarding on the PlayStation2 and watching the Nashville public access channel. Apparently, you don’t really have to know what you’re doing or have a specific idea for a show to get a show on this channel. We still don’t have any pictures to put up, but we will soon. And hopefully we can get a video clip or two up as well. And now, we will leave you with some words of wisdom, inspiration, encouragement, and truth from Sinch’s A&R Rep here at Roadrunner, Paul Conroy: “Sinch has worked their collective asses off for over eight months in preparation for this record. The month spent with Walter Schreifels (Rival Schools, Quicksand) definitely raised my expectations for this record and they were incredibly high to begin with. Their producer Malcolm Springer will take this band to the next level. Sinch will deliver a record, an emotional heavy rock record that will break through the glut of pop metal and one hit wonder rock bands that are over-saturating the market.”

Sinch To Make EPK

Posted on February 12, 2008

The band are featured on the original soundtrack release ‘Ginger Snaps’ on Roadrunner. A note from the band about an EPK follows: We got started on our EPK (Electronic Press Kit). This is just something that we’re doing for Roadrunner that will be sent out to the media (magazines, radio, etc.) as a promotional type thing. It was nice to get a little break and do something different for a day. When it’s finished it will be about 5-7 minutes long. We’ll probably be posting some clips from it as we get farther along and the whole thing will eventually be available for download from the site. So far we filmed interviews with each band member and got some rehearsal footage. Drummer Dan McFarland sat with Megakungfu on March 9th. What do you know about Sinch? Read Dan’s description of the Sinch sound, read what Dan wants the world to know about Sinch. Megakungfu Website.

Roadrunner Welcome Sinch

Posted on February 12, 2008

Hailing from Eastern Pennsylvania, Roadrunner Records has just inked a deal with the band SINCH. The band formed back in late 1994 while still in high school, and over their past 6+ years of existence, the four piece lineup has remained untouched! “I have known the band for several years and watching their evolution has been an amazing experience,” tells the man responsible for bringing SINCH to Roadrunner, Paul Conroy. What does “Sinch” mean? Here’s a few words from the guys themselves… “The word “sinch” means to “pull tight” or to “tighten” as you would a knot. We were not aware of this meaning when the name was chosen for the band. Prior to joining the Roadrunner family, the band released two full length albums, “The Strychnine” and “Diatribe”. More recently, a 6-song EP titled “Project: Bluebird” has been sold on a limited basis at some US shows. It contains 5 new songs and a newly recorded version of “Pain” which appeared on the album “Diatribe.” Want to hear some Sinch? Check out MUSIC for a track from them that was re-recorded just this past week with producer Eddie Wohl and Scrap 60 Productions. The track is titled ‘The Silent Acquiescence Of Millions’. We hope you enjoy – tell us what you think! And in case you frequent mp3.com and were wondering about the band ‘Sinch’ on there… The RR-signed Sinch say “We recently discovered that there *are* a few other bands going under the name Sinch. The two we know of are from Chicago, IL and Chorpus Christy, TX. The Sinch from Texas have informed us that they’re undergoing a name change, so that’s one less we have to worry about. But there could be more. There is a DJ Sinch, but we think that sounds kinda cool, so we’re leaving him alone. If you hear of any more please let us know.” To learn more about the band…check out their website at www.sinch.net.

Get Free Swag At Roadrage Club Nights

Posted on February 12, 2008

CLUB NIGHTS! Giveaways include Roadrage CDs, posters, keyrings plus chance to win a Roadrage DVD and pair of tix to the local gig! October: Saturday 5th – Nottingham Rock City Friday 11th – Bristol Asylum @ Cooler Nightclub AND Bradford Rio’s Saturday 12th – Birmingham XL’s AND Newcastle Arena Monday 14th – Newcastle ‘Lost Resort’ @ Stage Door (U18’s 6.30-9.30pm) Saturday 26th – London Subverse @ Subterrania (All Ages – 2-7pm) November: Saturday 16th – Glasgow Cathouse Under 18’s & Over 18’s Tuesday 19th – London Metros AND Brighton Gloucester Thursday 21st – Southend Kursaal Friday 22nd – London Electric Ballroom AND Belfast The Venue Saturday 23rd – Manchester Jilly’s

Get A Free Roadrage 20-Track DVD

Posted on February 12, 2008

A ROADRAGE DVD is available exclusively NOW via Virgin/V.Shops for a mere 퉌£7.99 or utterly free if you buy 3 RR CD’s for 퉌£20 or 5 for 퉌£30. The tracklisting of the DVD is: 1. Murderdolls ‘Dead In Hollywood’ 2. Stone Sour ‘Get Inside’ 3. Slipknot ‘Left Behind (Director’s Cut)’ 4. Soulfly ‘Seek’N’Strike’ 5. Killswitch Engage ‘My Last Serenade’ 6. Ill Nino ‘What Comes Around’ 7. Coal Chamber ‘Fiend’ 8. Spineshank ‘New Disease’ 9. Five Pointe O ‘Double X Minus’ 10. 36 Crazyfists ‘Slit Wrist Theory’ 11. Fear Factory ‘Replica’ 12. Machine Head ‘Crashing Around You’ 13. Sepultura ‘Territory’ 14. Life of Agony “Through and Through” 15. Type O Negative ‘Black #1’ 16. Dry Kill Logic ‘Nightmare’ 17. Nickelback ‘How You Remind Me’ 18. Sinch ‘Something More’ 19. Jerry Cantrell ‘Anger Rising’ 20. Anyone ‘Don’t Wake Me’ Titles included in the 3 for 퉌£20 and 5 for 퉌£30 deal include: Anyone – Anyone, Coal Chamber – Coal Chamber, Chamber Music, Fear Factory – Demanufacture, Obselete, Digimortal, Machine Head – Supercharger, The Burning Red, The More Things Change, Burn My Eyes, Nickelback – Curb, The State, Queens Of The Stone Age – Queens Of The Stone Age, Sepultura – Chaos AD (US Edition), Roots, Against, Nation, Roots Of Sepultura, Slipknot – Iowa, Slipknot, Soulfly – Primitive, Soulfly, Spineshank – Strictly Diesel, Height Of Callousness, Type O Negative – Bloody Kisses, October Rust, World Coming Down, Five Pointe O – Untitled, Killswitch Engage – Alive Or Just Breathing?, 36 Crazyfists – Bitterness The Star. The full list of participating Virgin/VShops stores is as follows: Aberdeen Basildon Basingstoke Belfast Birkenhead Birmingham Blanchardstown Bluewater Bradford Brent Cross Brighton Bristol Bromley Camberley Cambridge Camden Cardiff Carlisle Cheltenham Chester Colchester Cork Coventry Crawley Crewe Cribbs Causeway Croydon Derby Derry Dublin Dundee Edinburgh Exeter Falkirk Gatwick North Gatwick South Glasgow Argyle Glasgow Buchanan Grimsby Harlow Harrow Hastings Heathrow T1 Heathrow T2 Hemel Hempstead Hull Ipswich Kings Road Kingston Leeds Leicester Liffey Valley Liverpool Maidenhead Manchester Manchester Airport Merry Hill Middlesbrough Milton Keynes Newcastle Northampton Norwich Nottingham Oxford Oxford St Perth Peterborough Piccadilly Plymouth Portsmouth Reading Romford Salisbury Sheffield Shrewsbury Slough Southampton Southend Stevenage Stirling Sutton Sutton Coldfield Swindon Tallaght Taunton Telford Walsall Warrington Watford Wimbledon Woking York Brixton Colchester Hounslow Notting Hill Reading Aldershot Ashford Ayr Bangor Barnet Bedford Bishops Stortford Bishopsgate Bognor Regis Braintree Brentwood Bristol Bromsgrove Burton on Trent Cambridge Chatham Chelmsford Chichester Chiswick Cirencester Clapham Covent Garden Crouch End Dalston Darlington Dartford Dudley Dunfermline Durham Ealing East Ham Eltham Enfield Epsom Farnborough Fleet Folkestone Gatwick Airside Gosport Gravesend Hammersmith Hatfield Haywards Heath Hempstead Valley Hereford High Wycombe Holloway Road Huddersfield Huntingdon Ilford Islington Keighley Kensington High St Kettering Kilburn Leamington Spa Letchworth Lewisham Lowestoft Maidstone Muswell Hill Newton Abbott North Finchley Nuneaton Oxford Poultry Putney Queensway Redhill Rugby Solihull South Shields Southgate Stafford Strattford on Avon Streatham Surrey Quays Tamworth Thurrock Tonbridge Torquay Victoria Street Walthamstow Welwyn Garden City Wilmslow Windsor Witney Wood Green Woolwich Yeovil Aberdeen Canterbury Edinburgh Cameron Toll.

Roadrage Discount On Roadrunner CDs

Posted on February 12, 2008

MORE ROADRAGE DISCOUNT – Selected Roadrunner titles are now available for 퉌£7.99 each or 2 for 퉌£15 from MVC stores. They include: Fear Factory Demanufacture, Fear Factory Obsolete, Fear Factory Digimortal, Coal Chamber Coal Chamber, Coal Chamber Chamber Music, Machine Head Supercharger, Machine Head Burning Red, Machine Head More Things Change, Machine Head Burn My Eyes, Nickelback The State, Nickelback Curb, Queens of the Stone Age Queens of the Stone Age, Sepultura Chaos AD (US Edition), Sepultura Roots, Sepultura Against, Sepultura Nation, Slipknot Iowa, Slipknot Slipknot, Soulfly Primitive, Soulfly Soulfly, Spineshank Strictly Diesel, Spineshank Height of Callousness, Type O Negative Bloody Kisses, Type O Negative October Rust, and Type O Negative World Coming Down. The full list of participating MVC stores is as follows: ANDOVER ASHTON BARNSLEY BASILDON BASINGSTOKE BATH BEDFORD BEXLEYHEATH BIRKENHEAD BOURNEMOUTH BRACKNEL BRIGHTON BROMLEY BROUGHTON PARK BURNLEY BURY CAMBERLEY CARDIFF CARMARTHEN CHELTENHAM CHESTER CH’FIELD CHICHESTER CHISWICK COLCHESTER COVENTRY CWMBRAN DERBY DURHAM EASTBOURNE EXETER FALKIRK FAREHAM GLENROTHES GLOUCESTER GUILDFORD HARROW HASTINGS HORSHAM HOUNSLOW HOVE HUDDERSFIELD HULL HUNTINGDON INVERNESS KENDAL KIRKALDY LONDON BRIDGE LEAMINGTON LEICESTER LINCOLN LIVINGSTONE LLANELLI MAIDENHEAD MAIDSTONE MIDDLEBROOK NEWBURY NEWCASTLE NEWPORT NOTTINGHAM PENZANCE PERTH PETERBOROUGH PLYMOUTH POOLE REDHILL ROMFORD SALISBURY SHREWSBURY SOUTHEND SOUTHPORT STAINES STAR CITY STOCKTON SUTTON TAUNTON UXBRIDGE WALSALL WATFORD WELWYN WEYMOUTH WINCHESTER WOLVERHAMPTON WORTHING WREXHAM. EVEN MORE ROADRAGE DISCOUNT – All these Roadrunner CD titles are also available for as low as 퉌£6.99 from the following participating Indie stores: Aberdeen – One Up Banbury – Record Savings Barnsley – Casa Disco Barnstaple – S’n’V, solo music Blackburn – Reidys Bournemouth -Essential Music Bridgend – Hitman Music Brighton – Rounder Broadstairs – Soundhouse Burton on Trent – More Than Music Bury – Vibes Cardiff – Spillers clydebank – west end records Derby – More Than Music, Reveal Diss – Revolution Doncaster – Track Dudley – S T Records Durham – Concepts Eastbourne – Powerplay Edinburgh – Avalanche, CODA Elgin – Sound n Vision Exeter – Solo Music Glasgow – Avalanche Glenrothes – CODA Leicester – Rockaboom Leeds – Crash Lichfield – Tudor Tunes Livingston – CODA Melton Mowbray – Pendulum Newcastle-Upon-Tyne – Windows Newport – Hitman Music Northampton – Spinadisc Nottingham – Selectadisc Nuneaton – What Records Plymouth – Different Class Retford – Pendulum Rugby – Spinadisc Salisbury – Solo Music Southampton – Essential Music Sutton Ashfield – Disckits Truro – Solo Music Walsall – Sundown Wolverhampton – Highway 61 Yate – Kays York – Track Music Zone – All Stores.

Under A Pale Grey Sky

Posted on February 12, 2008

You all know that Sepultura’s last concert EVER with Max Cavalera (December 16, 1996 at Brixton Academy in London) is out now as a double live CD. Under a Pale Grey Sky is the title of this beast. So, what exactly is in a name? The title Under a Pale Grey Sky comes directly from Max Cavalera himself, it is in reference to a classic line from the chorus of the song ‘Arise’ – “Under a pale gray sky we shall arise”. Now you know, fully. Here is the confirmed track listing: Sepultura – Under A Pale Grey Sky Disc One: 1. Itsari (intro) 2. Roots Bloody Roots 3. Spit 4. Territory 5. Breed Apart 6. Attitude 7. Cut-Throat 8. Troops Of Doom 9. Beneath The Remains/Mass Hypnosis 10. Born Stubborn 11. Desperate Cry 12. Necromancer 13. Dusted 14. Endangered Species Disc Two: 1. We Who Are Not As Others 2. Straighthate 3. Dictatorsh*t 4. Refuse/Resist 5. Arise/Dead Embryonic Cells 6. Slave New World 7. Biotech Is Godzilla 8. Inner Self 9. Policia (Titas) 10. We Gotta Know (Cro-Mags) 11. Kaiowas 12. Ratamahatta 13. Orgasmatron (Motorhead)

New Sepultura Part 1

Posted on February 12, 2008

I – Chaos DVD A collaboration of Sepultura’s previous three VHS releases, Chaos DVD is out now! What to expect? Check it: From the Under Seige VHS, released around the 1991 Arise CD, a one hour live performance from Zeleste in Barcelona, Spain on May 31, 1991. Rock. From the Third World Chaos VHS, released around the 1995 Chaos A.D. CD, live performances from the Donnington Festival, Red Rocks and Brazilian Festivals, along with the videos for “Slave New World,” “Refuse/Resist,” “Territory,” “Arise” and “Dead Embryonic Cells.” Shim. From the We Are What We Are VHS, released around the 1997 Roots CD, videos for “Roots Bloody Roots,” “Ratamahatta” and “Attitude.” Sham. II – Under A Pale Grey Sky Huh? The title for the upcoming live Sepultura CD has been confirmed, Under A Pale Grey Sky. This CD is in fact the last-ever performance of the classic Sepultura line-up featuring Max Cavalera (guitar/vocals), Igor Cavalera (drums), Andreas Kisser (guitar) and Paulo Pinto Jr. (bass). This historic show took place at Brixton Academy in London on December 16th, 1996. “Sounds unbelievable” tells the man behind The Production Gospel According To Dave. He also tells it will be a double CD, featuring most all songs from Sepultura’s set that last evening. taken from blabbermouth.net: SEPULTURA performed in front of a crowd of over 10,000 in S퀌£o Jos퀌© dos Campos, Brazil last Sunday night and were joined by BIOHAZARD guitarist Billy Graziadei (whose wife is Brazilian) for renditions of MOTORHEAD’s “Iron Fist” and TITAS’ “Pol퀌_cia”. Pictures taken at the gig can be viewed at this location. Shot live on March 13th, 2001, we present to you Sep’s performance of the track “Sepulnation” off NATION. Footage was shot on the American Metro Channel’s Studio Y program, in the New York tri-state area – check out the video section. On May 11th, at the Sepultura concert at Elycee Montmartre in Paris, Jason Arnopp of Kerrang! interviewed the band. Plus, ‘behind the scenes’ footage was shot along with some songs from the performance that night. Lastly, footage from the Paris in-store earlier in the day also was filmed. Put all the above together, and you get the promotional Sepultura International EPK 2001. THEY CAME, THEY SAW, THEY CONQUERED See the show at the Astoria on May 9th 2001 with Hatebreed? Miss it and miss out? See our live photo special from the show in the gallery. Nation is out now on CD and Ltd Ed digipack CD including 5 bonus tracks. It is available for 퉌£12.99 (digi) and 퉌£11.99 (CD) from the following: HMV, Virgin, V.Shop/Our Price, MVC – Andys, and all good indies.


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