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Posted on September 13, 2008

SATYRICON release their new album THE AGE OF NERO on the 3RD NOVEMBER and we here at Roadrunner were wondering if any of you Satyricon fans would like to pose a quistion to Satyr about the upcoming album and / or about the band gnerally.

We will get the answers from Satyr when he is in the UK RR office later this month and post them here on Roadrunner UK!

If you have a question for Satyr, then drop an email to:


titling it ASK SATYR and dont forget to not only pop in your question but also your full name. We will select the best ones to put to the man himself!

In the meantime, you should also check out the new ‘in studio’ shots that the band have posted on thier office site. Head HERE to have a goosey…


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