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Biggest Fan Ever ??

Posted on February 12, 2008

IS THE BEST BAND PINK FLOYD? Andy King will be airing a “full and very frank” (so he says) interview with Clown from Slipknot on his TotalRock radio show this Sunday 8th September from 9pm-Midnight GMT. TotalRock can be accessed in the UK and Ireland on Sky Digital channel 885, NTL channel 874 and globally at www.totalrock.com! Tune in! YOU SAY.. Hot off our email we thought we’d share some comments from a few hardcore ‘Knot who took the time to write to us. Thanks for writing in, we love getting mail. “AHHHH I’m loosin my tether with it all!! I have been a BIG MaGGoT of SlipKnot for many years now, every since they broke out. SlipKnot means so much to me, sometimes more to me than anything in this Crazy World. I went through some real bad times in recent years, and whenever it really got to me, I’d put on some SlipKnot very loud and it would all go away. Them Sickening Drum Beats, those Evil Guitar Riffs, the Chaotic SCREAMING and Gut Wrenching Sounds.. It all just made me into a different person, a new person. I’ve tried so hard in these years to get to see SlipKnot as many times live as I could. Those guys mean so much to me, they’ve helped me out, and to give my Thanks to them I had their Tribal ‘S’ symbol Tattooed on my left forearm in full view for every single damn person out there to see. Every time I’ve seen them live, I’ve just let it all go. I’d go into the Mosh PiTs, Head Bang like a Crazy Mother Fucker, so much that I would hurt for days after. No matter what those guys have gone through, just like they were for me, I was there for them. When every people rip shit out of me for liking SlipKnot, I tell them to go fuck them selves coz they dont know how much SlipKnot mean to me. Even as I write this I feel like I’m gunna be pysically sick, thats what those 9, SiC MaGGoTs do to me, and I dont want it to ever go away! Sorry to Ramble on like that, but I had one of them Moments when I just had to let it all go and just go Nuts! Thanks for listenin’.” – Will “Hey, Right sorry but i don’t have anything really interesting to say i’m just ‘on one’ and need to TELL SOMEBODY! I’ve just seen some of the new pictures of SLIPKNOT on your message board and FUCKING HELL!!!!! SID’S new image is AMAZING! And Clown’s variation of his old mask is the fucking best ever! This band mean so much to me. I get giddy and excited when i see a new pic or they wear slightly different boiler suits or one of them has a new mask. I think about them everyday and they’ve changed me as a person and a musician. They’ve opened my eyes to all the bullshit a lot of the other bands have to offer. All the rockstar fucking ego. All the money making ideas. The general dishonesty and complacency of the music scene. If it wasn’t for SLIPKNOT and AMEN i think the metal world as we know it would dissolve into a body-bag of decaying, stale, carnage. THANK SWEET BABY JESUS OF NAZARETH we have SLIPKNOT on OUR side! They really are making waves in the music scene and in peoples lives too. I never leave home without my Slipknot CDs. I think about them 24/7. And it doesn’t interrupt my work or my college or my band, it makes me able to cope with them better AND more importantly EXCELL in them. I’m trying to balance a struggling music career and keep my g/f and it’s hard, but i look to CLOWN who managed to beat an alcohol addiction, run a club, keep his welding job, bring up three kids, keep his wife and remain slightly sane. (And survive numerous car crashes. What a man.) He’s beaten life the hard way and i intend too. I went to see them in Manchester in February and i get teary eyes talking about it now. The hairs are up on the back of my neck as i type…but yeah, i cried, shook, moshed, almost collapsed, and stared right into the CLOWN’S EYES! I was in the middle of the floor in the pit slamming away, and i looked up to see Clown on his drums and he was starring right at me as though he’d picked me out and i could see the colour of his eyes through his mask. We looked at each other for ages then turned away. It was the BEST. I’m gonna die remembering that. THE MUSIC SCENE NEEDS SLIPKNOT. I can’t wait for them to split up cuz in a few years time people are gonna look back and think “i wish they were still going….” cuz it’s undetected genius, withe the ‘power triangle’, samples, beer kegs, welding tools, concepts, ideas, insanity and beauty. It’s the perfect and most honest monstrosity anybody has ever created. I’ve also made some predictions about the next Slipknot cycle which you don’t wanna hear but you’re going to anyway. I think the image will be shiney and silvery like the IOWA CD case. I think they will have metallic masks that reflect the stage lights and can be picked out amongst the smoke. I think the boiler suits will be something special and shiney. I think it’s all gonna be about silver. Anyways, thanks for skimming through it or whatever you did 🙂 It’d be kewl if you could pass this onto the Clown or maybe even the band themselves. Thanks and sorries, ~an obsessive and ‘on one’ Cid P.S. am sending Corey my 17yr old Spiderman eggcup and a Spiderman ring i bought him :D”


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